What would Jesus do faced with the coronavirus?
Yes, even the presidential candidates and all other politicians. Osama bin Laden? Yes. The homeless man was made in the image and likeness of God. From the newly conceived person in the womb to the elderly person dying today, all humans were made in the image and likeness of God. In this terribly divisive election period, we forget this. But this is a large part of the Christian story.
Christianity grew in leaps and bounds mostly because of how Christians lived this. When you tell a poor person that they are equal with the king in the eyes of God, how are they going to reject Christianity? The Christians lived this and by doing so, many people converted. But do we live this?
Schools, hospitals, and many other endeavors to care for and build up others were started by Christians because they were living it out. We may not be able to do likewise, but we can still honor the image and likeness in each person that we interact with each and every day. It is such a beautiful reality. So, are we living the reality and bringing beauty to an otherwise ugly world or are we adding to the ugliness of the world?