A Veteran's Lament
From Genesis man knows of one to come-
She, a woman, a new Eve, one who will crush the serpent of deceit;
A sinless one, who has no reason to hide from the presence of God.
She, the promise, the hope, is given for man whom God loved.
No matter how often man sinned in the world
God could never forget His creation of love.
For Noah’s family He fashioned a floating ark to sail against the storm-
A refuge, secure, safe to guard His fallen children.
Within Solomon’s temple an ark was constructed;
Man lovingly covered its façade with nuggets of gold;
A sanctuary, a holy place, it was built for God’s dwelling within.
Man, still awaiting the grace to signal triumph over sin.
God created Mary with her immaculate heart, her immaculate soul.
Destined her, He did, to be vessel of His sacred Incarnation.
Within herself, she and the precious Son,
They would enact the new eternal covenant of love.
Maternal is her love for God’s adopted ones.
She offers man a true faith path.
Toward new life, a life of grace, not sin, she leads;
Amid life’s stormy tempests, she does reign.
Her unfathomable gift of grace so fair
She calls each man into her outstretched arms.
“Come rest with me with your prayer of repentance;
Then you will share His peace and love.”