Pro-life students accosted and kicked out of Smithsonian
How big is your faith? That's a question I recently presented to some children.
I asked my Junior High students in Sunday School to rank their level of faith that God will, and can, do anything on a level of 1-10. As you expect, many of them said they were at an "8" or "7".
Then, I wrote Matthew 17:20 on the board and showed them actual mustard seeds. They had a small bowl with one tiny mustard seed in it.
"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain 'Move from here to there' and it would move'".
After showing them the mustard seed, and giving them their own seed, we talked about the verse in the Gospel of Matthew. THEN, I asked them to rate their level of faith again. As you can imagine, many dropped to "2" or "3".
In his book "Saints who raised the Dead", Fr. Albert J. Hebert speaks about over 400 incidents where Saints raised the dead. They also, according to the promises of God, healed the blind, caused the mute to speak, caused the deaf to hear, and much more.
In Matthew 10 we see Jesus give authority to the disciples to heal every disease and sickness, drive out demons, and more. Is it too far fetched to think they also had the power, through their faith in Christ, to bring the dead back to life?
These are resurrection miracles that have deep documentation and cannot be disproved.
I wonder....have we put God in a box? Do we put him in a box where he snugly fits during the hour or so of Mass?
Do we REALLY believe anything is possible with the God that created everything? Or, do we let the 'reason' and 'logic' of modern day dispel the notion that God is still God and God is still all powerful?
Let me ask you.....where does your faith rank on a scale of 1-10? Are you moving mountains or are you doing good to kick a stone on Sunday?