We are bleeding humanity: How the church needs to respond
Are we living like God is with us, among us, and in us? "Look! the virgin is with child and will give birth to a son whom they will call Immanuel, a name which means 'God-is-with-us'." (Matthew 1:23)
When Jesus Christ came to earth, God incarnate, He changed lives. He changed the lives of those around Him because they had experienced God. Sinners were convicted, the faithful were hopeful and rejoicing, but all drew near when He came.
He attracted thousands upon thousands to hear Him, see Him, and receive healings and miracles. Were they in it for selfish reasons? Sure, many of them were. However, aren't we the same?
Are we praying to God based on what we want, we need, and to have our desires met or are we praying to worship, adore, and thank Him for what we already have?
In this season of Advent and Christmas, Santa Claus is all around us. In shopping malls, stores, businesses, and parades. Children sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas and then off they go. Even adults enjoy the lure, the magic, and the attraction of Christmas....but do we enjoy the lure and attraction of Jesus?
Are we treating God as if He is a great big Santa all year long? We pray, give him our list of requests and needs, and off we go. We rush out of Mass as soon as the recessional is complete (if we even stay that long).
Do we dwell in His presence? Do we spend time appreciating, basking in the wonder and love of what Christ does during the Eucharist and Mass...or is it a block we check off on our 'weekly to-do list' and go about our business?
If God was sitting right beside you now, if he followed you for 24 hours - would those 24 hours be different than what they are now? Would you act differently? Speak differently? Look differently?
God is truly with us, regardless if we act like it or not. He is not a giant Santa Claus. He is God.
What are we truly spending our time doing and are we living, acting, and believing that God is truly with us? If so, the wonder and attraction of Christmas will be nothing compared to the wonder and attraction we see in God being here with us.