The Clarification is in His Word!
“Dear children, My Son was the source of love and light when He spoke on earth to the people of all peoples. My apostles, follow His light. This is not easy. You must be little. You must make yourselves smaller than others; with the help of faith to be filled with His love."
Mother tells us it’s not easy to follow the light of Christ unless we make ourselves small, specifically "You must make yourselves smaller than others." This is true. Jesus told the apostles that unless you become as a child you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.* Doctor of the Church, Saint Thérèse the Little Flower of Jesus tells us in her teaching of the Little Way, how to be as a child. As a child dependant on her parents, we are to be dependent on Our Heavenly Father. Saint Thérèse was filled with God’s love. God loved her dearly and Saint Thérèse returned God’s love passionately. Her greatest teachings are about love. So great was the faith of St. Thérèse.
“Not a single person on earth can experience a miraculous experience without faith.”
I believe we experience real miracles all the time, though mostly unaware! Until we reach a high level of faith and trust in God, our eyes might be closed to miracles. Yet God gives us the grace we need that our eyes of our soul may be opened.
“I am with you. I am making myself known to you by these comings, by these words; I desire to witness to you my love and motherly care.”
Mother validates those of us who believe in Her apparitions of Medjugorje and is solidly letting those who doubt know that Her coming to us is real and true. Mother continues by telling believers and unbelievers that she cares for us as Our Mother. Mother is the perfect witness, an example for us. What a miracle Our Blessed Mother is. How She loves us!
"My children, do not waste time posing questions to which you never receive an answer. At the end of your journey on earth, the Heavenly Father will give them to you. Always know that God knows everything; God sees, God loves."
Mother asks why we bother with so many questions when all we need do is believe. Is it too hard to believe? I think not! Not only will everything be revealed to us by the Heavenly Father at our journey's end, but we can’t possibly understand many of the things we desire to know until God reveals these things to us. God rightfully demands that we have great faith. Mother tells us to trust God. Are we willing to trust and believe? Mother desires heaven for us. Who can see what the Almighty sees? Our good God has all the answers to our questions.
"My most beloved Son illuminates lives, dispels darkness; and my motherly love which carries me to you is inexpressible, mysterious but real. I am expressing my feelings to you: love, understanding and motherly benevolence."
Mother is speaking to believers and non-believers, but mostly to non-believers. How desperately our Dear Sweet Mother wants all to know Her Son. Mother desires darkness to be removed from Her children and for all to walk in the light of Jesus. As Mother expresses Her constant love, She only wishes goodness for us. Mother is almost pleading. Believe! Believe! I feel compelled to repeat Her words, “my motherly love which carries me to you is inexpressible, mysterious but real.” Mother wants to soften our hearts and draw us closer to Her.
"Of you, my apostles, I am asking for your roses of prayer which need to be acts of love. To my motherly heart these are the dearest prayers."
Again Mother’s message brings to my mind our dear Saint Thérèse who depended on Our Blessed Mother’s intercession. Saint Thérèse suffered much in her short life. She spent her days in prayer. In deep suffering, Saint Thérèse often prayed without words, pure and perfect prayer, abandoning her heart to loving Jesus. Saint Thérèse promised to spend her heaven doing good, and promised to shower rose petals down on us. I believe Mother may have been referring to this when She spoke of roses of prayer, to pray and care for each other with “acts of love!”
"I offer these [roses of prayers] to my Son Who was born for your sake."
And in his homily from January 2 Mass, Father reminds us that as an infant, Jesus was spared the slaughter of the Holy Innocents. Jesus was saved, only to suffer and die at His Crucifixion for the redemption of mankind. Because if His dying and rising from the dead, Mother is able to intercede for us.
"He looks at you and hears you. We are always close to you. This is the love which calls, unites, converts, encourages and fulfills. Therefore, my apostles, always love one another and above all, love my Son. This is the only way to salvation, to eternal life."
A wonderful reminder of the presence of Christ and His Mother who are really present in every aspect of our lives. How I wish I could tell you that your life will be perfect if you accept the truth of what Our Holy Mother tells us but no, we will all suffer in this life. Jesus told the apostles they would follow Him to heaven in suffering, as Jesus suffered. No one is exempt, but with His Divine love and presence, Jesus gives us great joy in our suffering. This is our choice. Suffer with Christ or suffer without Christ.*** Mother reminds us to: "...always love one another and above all, love my Son. This is the only way to salvation, to eternal life."
"This is my dearest prayer which fills my heart with the most beautiful scent of roses."
Mother’s heart is filled with the scent of roses. So poetic! Yet I know that the scent of roses is often a sign that Mother is near.**** If you experience the heavenly scent of roses when no roses are around then it’s likely that you are experiencing the mystical presence of Our Blessed Mother. There’s no mistaking this exceptional phenomena. Mother once blessed me with the heavenly scent of roses. I will never forget it.
"Pray, always pray for your shepherds that they may have the strength to be the light of my Son. Thank you.”
Remember, when Mother appears to one of the visionaries, especially Mirjana, She usually reminds us to pray for priests. I believe She truly appreciates it when we remember to do this. I suggest that every morning we do as the Church recommends. Pray one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for Pope Francis’s intentions and for Pope Francis. Repeat these three prayers for all priests. I have a list of priests I pray for every day, and I always say three Hail Mary’s daily for our pastor. I know it’s terribly important for us to pray for priests or Mother wouldn’t ask this of us so often.
Note: If you watched the video of Mirjana listening to Our Lady of Medjugore during her January 2, 2017 vision, the vision is between 4 and 5 minutes long, Our Lady had much to tell us at the beginning of this new year. Many who were present at the apparition believe the devil was unhappy with Mother’s message and tried to cause a disturbance.
*Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3-5
** excerpt: “Only one thing, my Jesus, to love You. Striking deeds are forbidden me. I cannot preach the Gospel; I cannot shed my blood, but what matter? My brothers do it for me; while I, a little child, stay close beside the royal throne…God would never inspire me with desires which cannot be realized; so in spite of my littleness, I can hope to be a saint.” Saint Thérèse
***" Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and forfeit his life? Or what can one give in exchange for his life?" Matthew 16:24-26
Editor's Note: The events surrounding Medjugorje apparitions and messages are currently under Church investigation and are neither approved nor condemned.