The three āLāsā
Life is a gift and it is a journey. There are those you journey with, some for a long period and some short, but each of us is called to a specific vocation which is ours alone. My journey thus far has been full of hills and valleys; moments of clarity and moments of confusion. During one particular deep valley, I realized the truth that God wrote on my heart at the moment of my conception. I was blessed to finally understand that life shouldn’t be as hard as I had made it thus far. From that point forward, trying always to listen for the whispers and put God at the center of my life, this journey has become more than a path to follow. Saying “yes” has meant being open to marry a faithful man and accept five children here (plus two in heaven) at an age when many women are becoming grandmothers. Saying yes, in my vocation, means being open to home educate our children in hopes of teaching them about sacrifice and joy and love along with reading and math. In all the ups and downs that accompany the “yes”, it has become a most blessed journey.
Merriam-Webster defines pilgrimage as a journey of a pilgrim; especially: one to a shrine or a sacred place. My life is a series of journeys and when I remember (or am gently reminded by the Holy Spirit) to look for God’s presence in my daily vocation, it often becomes a pilgrimage. Whether it is an interior journey or an actual pilgrimage to a sacred place, discerning the will of God in my vocation and trying to follow makes almost every trip blessed.
It was a Christmas weekday in the Church. We hadn’t yet reached Epiphany but the Octave of Christmas had passed. It would be easy to get swept up in the back-to-normal that society has practiced since December 26th, but if you travel to the right places, you could still bask in the glory of the Word Incarnate. We began our Monday as usual, with daily Mass and then headed down to Adoration at the local Oratory. My husband was home from work and able to join us so the trip was made even more special that we could go as a family to Adore Our Lord in the Eucharist immediately after the Sacrifice of the Mass.
I didn’t sleep well the previous night and so many thoughts were begging me to go home after Mass and take a well-deserved rest. I have learned that when I have those types of urges, to move away from God, He usually has a good reason for me to go so, despite my reluctance, we traveled onward. Adoration with five kids under 12 is never as calm and peaceful as going alone but that is my journey at this moment in time; these are the travelers that accompany me. We spent our 20 minutes in prayer/reading/Adoring and headed out.
We heard a man in the lobby speaking to one of the priests. When we turned the corner, I realized that we had seen him earlier, speaking to someone in the parking lot. This man spoke in a very loud manner and looked as if he had missed his daily hygiene for some time. I can’t tell you what I would have done if he had approached us downtown on the street (I hope I would react the same way) but here, having so many thoughts to stay away, I realized he was the reason we had come.
We exchanged greetings and he asked if he could teach our children a German prayer (in English, of course!). After the beautiful child’s prayer, my husband asked his name and each adult and child in turn greeted one another. We wished him Happy New Year and left him with the priest.
The gift of this man to our family on that day will be one that continues to reveal itself over time. Initially, of course, there was the discussion of welcoming the stranger and seeing the face of Christ in everyone, even people who look different from you. On the drive home there was the joy of his coming into a holy place to seek comfort and council. There will be more as he is remembered as an intention in our evening prayers.
The parenting part of my vocation is often one of my most difficult. I am aware and moved when the Holy Spirit pushes me into a place, even a normal, routine place that is so full of good lessons to learn. I am grateful for the deep valley earlier in my life that forced me to look up and find my Heavenly Father. I am overwhelmed by His love and guidance that make travel through this life and vocation such a blessed journey.