What? Wait—What Did You Say?
Working at the Nursing Home, while making my daily rounds---I go to check on a Hospice resident, whom I shall call Lloyd. When I first saw him, I saw someone confined to his bed, and started to do that nurse thing of checking the physical being before me to be sure he was well cared for. He was sleeping, but his pillow was repositioned to support his neck and I turned to finish my rounds. It was then I noticed his Bible lying on the shelf by the door. You could tell it was a Bible that was used or read and he was someone who opened it frequently. The next time I saw him it was after breakfast, he had just finished eating—and while clearing off his bedside table, I asked him—“Lloyd would you like for me to read from your Bible when I come see you?”
“Yes,” he replied, “I would really like that.” So it was that, my visits with Lloyd became Bible sharing time.
The Bible would always be opened at random so each visit a different reading would be reflected on. We found out how closely God watched over this world when the day that the UN was voting against Israel, the Bible fell open to Nehemiah Chapter 4 and the reading was how Israel was being attacked from different nations, and that they were praying and speaking of rebuilding a WALL to keep the enemy out. Both Lloyd and I laughed so hard you could hear us down the hall. “Lloyd, I said, “God is watching CNN with its (always) Breaking News about the USA, and UN voting against Israel and Trump's WALL being built! Too bad Isreal's enemies are not aware of their best Ally."
Then there was the serious but loving message from Jeremiah 1---where I was able to tell Lloyd that God knows us before we are born and how we are called and chosen. I asked Lloyd, “Do you know that you are a prophet, called to proclaim God’s Word?” He had not realized that, and like many wondered how? I further explained to him that just like Jeremiah we want to give God excuses. “I am too old and not physically fit in other words.”
“Lloyd ---telling someone God’s Good News is just to tell them how special they are, how appreciated they are, and what a gift they are to your life. Whoever comes into this room, they need to hear some good words to make them realize how important they are.” He said he had not thought about it like that.
There was the day that after being very busy and walking more than usual, my back and feet aching, I needed a break and quickly made a bee line to his room. “Lloyd---let’s get into God’s Word, I am need to be refueled. Not only that but I need a friend to make me smile.” Now that brought a big smile to his face!!!
We opened to John—and the reading about “I am the Vine and you are the branches.” God looking down reminding us of the importance to stay connected to him and keep His Words. We visited a while longer talking about all that was in that Scripture message and how much we were loved by God. As I left, I gave him a hug and said “Thank you for being such a gift to me!” He could tell that my face meant every word.
“And thank you for being such a gift to me,” was his reply and the smile on his face spoke just how much he meant those words. That worn Bible had brought two people together and created a family bond that will not be broken.
God has blessed me so greatly to send me to a job where hugs are freely given, smiles meet smiles and even in what appeared to be a sad situation the Bright Light of Love and God’s Presence was found in a dying man's room. (FYI--Lloyd's still going strong!)
Maybe if you are feeling useless, old, weak and limited to what you can do anymore---perhaps you need to just go and visit a nursing home and see how many smiles you can find and look for some old worn out Bible lying on a table in someone’s room. Perhaps you can ask, who needs a visitor and just go talk about the good ole days and share some common family stories, work stories, weathers stories----the list is endless in that well stocked mind from all of your life. Share some Good News and be the “Jeremiah” that folks long to listen too. Remember a good servant does not retire—the servant keeps on serving until the Master returns or they are promoted to higher position in the Kingdom—as Joseph was when sold into slavery in Egypt ---our last Bible reading given just yesterday. No matter what type of prison we are in---God has a plan. Wait for it!