'Jesus-Filter': How we Become Public Witnesses to Christ
We think of love like other material things. We think there is only so much to go around and God needs to spread it out. However, God is not finite and love is not a material thing. Love, like God, is infinite. Indeed, God is love, so God being infinite makes love infinite as well. So, when God gives us His love, He does not give us some of His love, He gives us all of His love.
And how does Jesus give His love to us? By giving Himself completely to us. Surely, He died for all. But He also would have suffered and died if you or I were the only one person needing to be saved. It may not seem very personal to you or I, but it was very personal to Jesus. His love for each one of us was He died for. Not just collectively, but each one of us individually as well.
Jesus did not hold back even the slightest of things from us. He gave us His Heavenly Father as ours. He gave us His mother as ours. He kept nothing for Himself. He emptied Himself and all that He had for us.
As Christians, we are called to be like Christ. Now, we cannot do it by ourselves though. We need the assistance from God to accomplish such a task. We are to give ourselves completely for others. Most of us will be called to do so with a spouse and children. Some are called to do so for their congregation. Still others are called in other ways. But emptying yourself for others in your calling is one of the most Christ-like accomplishment that we will ever be capable of.
Jesus, help us to know Your love for me and help me to give of myself as You gave of Yourself for me.