What History would Always be in a Fallen World, Introduction
Pope Francis mentioned the Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit this Past Sunday.
There is no Blasphemy against the Spirit before Death!
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is never before death for the individual. It is final impenitence, at least, that is JPII's take.
How about, however: a HISTORICAL blasphemy against the SPIRIT?
In pagan Rome, the world did not understand the Gospel, and said that Caesar was God almighty, above the Father, which blasphemed the Father. and they were forgiven in Catholic Christendom.
After the world converted to the Son, the disciples of the Son lost their Oneness, and the world said, the Son cannot get His message across to us clearly. Therefore we reject the Son, so they are blaspeheming the Son. But in the coming chastisement, the world will experience the apocalyptic consequences of not listening to the Son and His Church. And they shall learn that they need the Father, the Son, and His Church. And so there will be peace, one flock, one Shepherd, Peter, and so God, in that age of peace, shall forgive the blasphemy against the Son.
Then the Holy Spirit, the dove, shall bring peace on earth, Our Lady's Age of Peace and the Triumph of Her Heart. And there shall be the full reconciliation between faith and science. The world shall fully understand the science of this world and be prosperous, and they shall fully understand the fullness of God. But the ONLY reason there shall be PEACE on earth is precisely BECAUSE of the SPIRIT, and the SPIRIT alone. For in the coming chastisement that shall precede this age of peace, the powers of this world, science, shall be the instrument of apocalyptic horror, so that the world will know that the powers of this world can never bring peace without God.
But when the world falls away into the Great Apostasy at the end of the age of peace, at the end of the world, AFTER the age of peace, they shall have to give an explanation for why there was peace before and not then. And the Antichrist shall say, that the PEACE in the age of peace had NOTHING to do with the SPIRIT, but ONLY the science and temporal progress. And that would saying that the POWERS of this world, which is the power of the DRAGON, held back turbulence, or, that is, CHAINED the dragon, when, yet, it was ONLY the SPIRIT that did so.
And THAT Will be attributing the CHAINING of the dragon to the POWER of the dragon, which is what the Pharisees did to Christ: They attributed to BEELZUBUB, the power to CHAIN BEELZEBUB, and Christ said it would never be forgiven. Amen, when the world blasphemes this Holy Spirit, it will NOT be forgiven HISTORICALLY.
God has forgiven the blasphemy against the Father. He will forgive the current blasphemy against the Son. BUT, once the world sees the fruits of resisting the Spirit, and the power of the Spirit alone to bring peace, they shall NEVER be forgiven historically for blaspheming the Spirit! Hence, God shall be just in destroying the world and condemning it to eternal fire in the Great Apostasy and Tribulation!