So, how does my title and the verse Philippians 4:13 – I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME, tie in together?
Looking back, I realized there are many reasons why I experienced many jobs losses – working in retail, publishing companies, government, school districts, and parishes. My reason is that I did not put Jesus first in my life. Instead, I was having an attitude of being greedy and selfish, earning a lot of money, having pride, being better than others, not being thankful of all the blessings in my life, gossiping about others at work or church including my family, and buying items that would make me happy. This was a wakeup call for me and being honest and open with myself, this is not the life I want to have at all.
For example, I recently got fired from my job, though it was a blessing. I could have complained or sued my employer, but instead I forgave, prayed, and moved on. I believed that no matter what situation I, or other people, am going through, Jesus will always be there by my side, even if we can’t see Him. Also, I have heard this saying many times,"if one door closes, another will open".
I am writing this article because I want to spread Jesus' word out to people – even though, there are disagreements, which I respect. A friend wrote to me and said, God is your guide, all you have to do is listen. No matter what the world or what your family says, God’s opinion is the only one that matters. This note touched me in a way of how I see life through God’s eyes.
Moving forward, I have a goal that I would love to accomplish, though, I have this fear of writing a children’s faith book because I don’t know where to start. I feel stuck in drawing the illustrations or the storyline. I have reached out and networked with many colleagues in person or via social media. I have not started writing because of my lack of motivation. I am staring at my screen on the computer and all I see is a blank page. Instead of worrying, if ideas will come to mind, I can write thoughts down on paper and then put them aside and come back later. I don’t want my book to be waiting too long. Also, I started getting involved with my church more because I want to be around people who love Jesus and have the same values, beliefs, and morals.
Overall, I have to say thank you for all the employers that I have worked for in the past. Each person taught me that you don’t have to be anybody, just be yourself, and that is what I have done. Now, I am resting and later will find something more suitable for my time and talent. I am very blessed and grateful of what I have in my life. It is my part to trust and to love Jesus daily and spread the word.