Why I Veil
During the March for Life in Washington, D.C., my family, like all the years we've been a family, was absent. I can honestly say I've never felt called to go, and for us at this moment, it's the right decision. If and when the time comes, we will certainly join with the thousands of other pilgrims and raise our voices in this yearly tribute. For now, we stayed home. Like Ordinary Time, I feel like we're in the "growing season" ... the time we prepare our little ones to one day go out and defend life. In the meantime...
- We attended a beautiful Family Life Carnival at a local parish earlier this week. A church full of kids prayed a rosary and then joined with their families for a fun carnival, complete with signs and slogans about supporting life.
- My eldest daughter created a pro-life poster for our front window that has a huge smiley face and "Your Mom Chose Life!". We live on a busy suburban street and many people stop out front while they wait for the light to change. Our "billboard" is often used to evangelize.
- We watched a great deal of the March coverage, including the Opening Vigil Mass. What a wonderful thing to see; so many gathered to witness to life. We prayed a rosary that day for safe travels and continued zeal. We are so grateful to live in a free nation that allows such a witness!
- Today we went to church and packed sandwiches, cookies and other treats for the homeless that will be distributed tonight.
- Tomorrow we will take a meal to our new friend who is older, lives alone, and appreciates the visits as much as the meals.
- We will continue to pray rosaries and chaplets as we prepare to participate in our fifth (or sixth?) 40 Days for Life vigil at the local Planned Parenthood. May God see the witness of all the faithful and chose this vigil to finally close it down.
The life issue is essential to our faith. There is no gray area. Abortion=death and life, in all its forms, should be cherished and celebrated.
We missed the March for Life but, with God's grace, our littles ones got the point.