Carefully, Created, Conceived and Blessed!
Driving east to a special Praise and Worship Workshop early Saturday morning, I was praying, seeking God’s Wisdom and a Word from Him about life as we age, and life in this angry world today. My soul was downcast, discouraged and heavy--- going to this workshop was like going to steams of living water. “Help me God; my soul is thirsting for You.” At one point, I noticed the brilliance of a orange sun peeking up through the black tree lines on the mountains.
“Look Lord, look! How beautiful the sunrise. Look at it, so beautiful!!” As the sun raises higher, the sky around became pink and there was even more stunning of a view, especially with the dark grey clouds hanging around the edges. But then a little while more and the dark clouds over took the sun and the brilliant colors---and I thought, “Oh it’s gone.” Then this “Message” came into my heart.
“Even though those dark clouds have completely covered and hidden the sun---that sun is no less bright, no less hot, no less powerful, and forever where you would expect to find it. No matter what darkness covers your life, or the world, God is still there and still all powerful and all mighty, all present and doing the job He does every day ---and that is to look over you, provide you with His warmth and love and healing Presence—always! Notice too that if it were not for the dark tree line, the dark clouds the sunrise would not have appeared as beautiful as it did. The contrast between the dark and the brightness of the rising sun and the pink sky made that sun stand out even more. Just as when it is darkest in your life—that is when God is brighter and stronger in your life in His love for you. If not for that darkness, you would soon take for granted the light that comes with each new day.”
“True Word, God, true word. Thank you for guiding me this way today. If I had stayed home, I would have missed all of this and You.”
As the day progressed and the Praise and Worship went up in song---more to the sunrise message came into my heart. First came the Holy Spirit’s anointing Presence as we sang and you could feel His Presence. Then, opening the Bible my eyes fell on Isaiah 65 v 17-19
“See, I will create a new heaven and a new earth.
The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.
18 But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create,
for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy.
19 I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people;
the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more.”
“Yes, be JOY ---be Gladness—a delight—a light to the nations!” I felt deeply that like the sun—the Son-- we too must shine—and shine brightly in this world as it darkens and in our homes too as eyes grow dim, and the evening comes. May joy and gladness abound in my heart and in my home and where ever God leads me. “Yes Lord---shine, Jesus, shine!! Shine in me!”