"Same-Sex "Marriage": The Great Illusion of the Modern, Secularist Era:
We Catholics have a prayer that we recite and it is directed to St. Michael the Archangel. Pope Leo XIII wrote this prayer back in 1886 and it was recited virtually every day at all Low Masses from that time until the late 1960s. Then the Vatican II reforms began to be implemented and the prayer was more or less discontinued although it was still recited at different liturgical functions. St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI both encouraged more recitation of this prayer, and it is once again being recited more frequently in many Catholic Churches. Here is the prayer:
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray: and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander around the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Why do we have such a prayer? Many people do not even believe in Satan or "evil spirits". Many folks, including some Catholics, do not even believe in a place called "Hell". However, many people do. and that includes those who "worship" Hell's leader, Satan (he has other names too). The Catholic Church declares that both Heaven and Hell do exist. In fact, both places are mentioned in our profession of faith which is recited at Mass.
The point of all this is that the Mass, the most beautiful thing this side of heaven, is the very life, death and resurrection of Christ Himself. Christ instituted and offered the First Mass on the First Holy Thursday at His Last Supper. The Mass, with the ordained priest standing in Christ's place, has allowed Christ's redemptive victory to continue and take place at every moment of every day somewhere on this planet ever since. May I please ask, is there something wrong with that? If you do not believe it or understand it, why do you care? How can such a beautiful thing about Love and Forgiveness offend you?
This magnificent gift that we Catholics embrace as Heaven sent is going to be denigrated by Satanists who want to hold a "black mass" at the Oklahoma City Civic Center Music hall on September 21. (What is a "black mass"? You can click on the link for detailed info.) This abomination about to take place is nothing new. Hatred for Christ and His Christian followers has been going on for centuries. To prove that point, look what is happening at this very moment in the Middle East. What is being done to our brother and sister Christians is horrendous and fills the definition of "crimes against humanity".
So, I must ask another question, "Are you American Christian haters happy about Christian genocide? Do you like what ISIS is doing to thousands of men, women and children? Do you approve of what Hitler and his evil followers did to millions of people? Why do you people want to mock us? What do you get out of it? You have even managed to get your hands on a "consecrated host" and supposedly have a convicted sex offender ready to do the honor of desecrating it. Do you really hate us and what we believe so much?"
As far as I am concerned, you few people who have this twisted need to spit in the faces of well over one billion of us Catholics by dishonoring and desecrating the worship we hold so dear to our hearts, are reprehensible. You have polluted your God given minds with Satan's droppings. I feel sorry for you. However, I do have a bit of good news for all of you self-serving misanthropists. We Catholics will be praying for you and we will be praying the very prayer that appears in this column. In fact, millions of us will be doing so on Sunday, September 21.
Finally, If you happen to hear an unusual knock as your sex-pervert begins his desecration of our Blessed Lord, you might pay attention to it. You have kidnapped our Savior and He is there under the appearances of a small round piece of unleavened bread. St. Michael will be the one knocking. You still will have a chance to stop your nonsense. God is Love and will always be ready to embrace you; But that is your choice. If you do not make such a choice, you will NEVER get past St. Michael the Archangel and then, God help you all.