Into the Sacredness of Christ's Holiness
We often ponder the dictates of the Catholic Church, it's position in the world, and the relationship to our sister Christian religions. One only needs to listen intently to the words of the Creed; Apostles or Nicene, and absorb the real essence of the thoughts and labor put into these truths.
All we need to adhere to, if no other teaching is accepted, is the factual truth written within these Creeds, and feel the closeness of the Holy Spirit, as author and procurer of the full meaning of the Holy Trinity, and all doctrines presented within the text of each.
One should be careful to absorb the feeling, meaning, and deep spiritual teaching that is described, and not quickly rattle off words that may escape our understanding to get through as soon as possible.
It is more than theology or specific rules we might adhere to, but the total sharing of who God really is, the position of each Divine Person and their role, if I may digress here, to each and every creature that Almighty God has chosen to love beyond all imagination.
Too often, many will say that those whom the Trinity has become the basic premise of faith and hope are just teaching their own invention and don't really understand the real essence of God. But, to disregard the meaning of the Creed and the full impact from each Divine Person, is to put God's creation in a jeopardizing position. That is to say, God couldn't create what was created, or one or more person wasn't or isn't real. Are they disregarding the Holy Spirit? I think so.
Anyone who studies the Bible and reaches into the words of Sacred Scripture, without seeing the presence of the Holy Spirit in those pages, has missed the full impact of who the Author is, and becomes subject to erroneous disillusionment, and may end up teaching many others a false understanding of who God is.
As we journey through Lent, towards Easter, and long for the Grace God willingly pours out upon all who seek His love, let us begin by opening our minds to the exact truths in the Creeds, and study the impact of the full meaning found therein.