On The Tongue
Looking from the sidelines, it seems to me that there is a big Cauldron of Hatred out there in the world filled with anxiety, bitterness, anger and even hatred, amongst its other ingredients of evil.
It seems that in whatever walk of life, be it religion, politics, science or the arts, even dare I say, in one's personal life, there are unhappy people who resent their current situation, regardless of how rich or poor they are, regardless of how healthy or not, and regardless of anything else that can be used as a yardstick to measure their anxiety and angst.
People are generally unhappy and they are dumping their anger and frustrations into this huge Cauldron of Hatred which exists somewhere or other on this earth. It could be in the newspapers, on television and radio, on social media on the Internet, or indeed in their personal lives at work, at play, or even at home when they argue and vent with their spouse, children, neighbours or even the poor cat who gets kicked for no apparent reason.
Have you not noticed the negative tone of some of the stories in your newspapers, or on TV programs, whether it is the News or even soap programs perpetrating sadness and bitterness, as if art imitates real life and/or vice versa? Have you not noticed the many postings on social media where individuals pour out their anger and malcontent for all to see and share? And in personal life too; can you not remember the last time the cat has had to hide in a panic to safeguard what is left of his nine lives?
Why all this negativeness? I hear you ask.
I am waiting ... are you asking as I'm expecting?
Why all this vile forever filling the Cauldron of Hatred?
Has it to do with the diets we are all eating, I wonder? A shortage of good old fashioned roughage such as bran, for instance? Or a good spoonful of cod liver oil before going to bed?
Why are so many of us so upset about this and that and the other thing?
Is it because we have become greedy and we all want what the other person has, and more besides?
Where is the peace we are supposed to have towards each other? Loving one's neighbours and turning the other cheek? (By the way, I mean facial cheek, not your backside!).
Where is the forgiveness time and again and not just seven times seventy?
That's why we are behaving in the despicable way that we do. It has nothing to do with a lack of broccoli or other vile vegetables in our meals.
It is because we have forgotten to "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:35.
Meanwhile, the Cauldron of Hatred keeps filling to overspilling.