A Church in Peril
This reflection uses the five senses each of us is endowed with: sight, touch, taste, hearing, and speech. I have attempted to place each one within the framework of the five weeks of Lent before Holy Week. In this way the reader will be able to reflect in a positive way the connection of human endeavor with the observance of penance and God’s forgiveness.
Sight: we look ahead to the unseen in a way that might be like a dark passage in front of us, not certain where our steps may lead us. At times shadows will appear, and our hearts might pound, and fear could envelop our emotions. This is when we need to call upon the graciousness of Almighty God reaching for us through the midst of the cloud and telling us our troubled direction is in his hands.
Prayer: O’ God, be our guide through this time of doubt and let the darkness of sin be gone as we search for the light of mercy and reconciliation so our eyes are opened to your presence.
Touch: to feel alone and afraid of the unknown that always lies ahead, our sense of need exists for someone to share with us the emptiness that surrounds our troubled lives. If only there was another standing with me that would share this feeling and send comfort to me in a very human way. The Lord is always near, and even though we can’t touch him physically, there is a sense of unity knowing he is near as we journey towards Easter.
Prayer: My God, I know you said seek and you shall find; be with me now as the path I am walking is the right direction to find Jesus who alone can grasp my hand and touch my empty heart.
Taste: in life we always look for the gratification of food to satisfy our hunger and to be fulfilled as the 5,000 that Jesus fed with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. But, physical food is not what we really are looking for. The woman at the well found that out. Our souls can become empty and the food is the presence of Christ filling that void and satisfying our desire to taste something better. This week we have reached the center of Lent and the desire to satisfy our needy soul cries out for solace.
Prayer: Lord, we are around the bend on the road to share your Paschal Mystery which requires our finding the elements that will bring us to a better understanding of the need to repent and find the food which is Eucharist.
Hearing: Knock and the door will be opened for you! Never has there been so profound a statement given to us that says to our hearts that Jesus is outside waiting to enter into our very lives. As we approach the final two weeks to Easter the sense of viewing, walking, feeling, and hearing the tiny whisper of our God is calling for a complete emptying of our loneliness, emptiness, and dryness which will be fulfilled by the ultimate Easter Triduum.
Prayer: My precious Lord, you are beside me this day and you need someone to hold your hand as evil men are about to take you away from me. Let my own sins not burden you any further and forgive my insolence and lead me to the cross.
Speech: As we approach this fifth week and prepare to enter into the most holy time of the Church we might become speechless as our minds are beset with events that never should be forgotten. Let us dwell for a moment on the one verse from the Exultet on the eve of Easter: “O happy fault of mine that brought my savior to me”. This is a paradox of the highest meaning. Without sin Jesus Christ would not have entered the world of humanity and we never would have been able to be with God in eternity.
Prayer: Wonderful and ever-loving God, because your Son became sin for us and paid the price we could not have paid, we will one day share with you and all the saints a vision promised us. May this Lent and impending beauty of Easter be a time of great exultation and Glory forever.