Father Peter Mary Rookey
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
Jesus spoke of forgiveness often. Even as Our Lord was dying on the Cross He spoke of forgiveness, an intercession to the Father for our sinfulness.
Amen I say to you, this day you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43
When Jesus spoke these words to the good thief, Jesus invited us also to be with him in heaven. For this Jesus came, to die for me. Jesus opened the gates of heaven. How is this possible? It’s possible through the greatest sacrifice, through powerful divine love poured into our hearts. Thank You, Jesus!
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Mark 15:34
Jesus cried out from the Cross making it safe for us to cry out to the Father in times of trouble and sorrow, pleading from our own cross to our merciful God who hears and answers us.
… “Woman, behold your son” … “Behold your mother” … John 19:26-27
Jesus spoke these words with love and concern for his beloved apostle and for us as he looked down looked down from the Cross. How my heart explodes with love when I think of all Jesus has done for me. The gift of eternal life Jesus gave by dying on the Cross is the greatest gift ever given to mankind. Yet our dying Lord had another amazing gift to give us from the Cross. Jesus willed His Blessed Mother to be our mother. I am a child of God. The Mother of my God is also my mother.
“I thirst.” John 19:28
From the time of His arrest to the time of His death Jesus was given no water to drink. He had an unbearable thirst while hanging on the Cross. Yet when I hear Jesus say “I thirst” I know it’s me He’s thirsting for. Jesus’ love is boundless. The Cross proves His unfathomable thirst for all souls to be with Him in heaven.
“It is finished.” John 19:30
What was finished for Jesus? His earthly mission? His life on earth? Neither of these. Our Lord is still here with us. We are His hands and feet. We are His voice. Jesus’ mission on earth will not be finished until the end of time when He will gather us to Himself.
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” Luke 23:46
Jesus crys out this prayer as He gives His life to the Father. Let us follow the example of Jesus by placing ourselves in God’s hands as well. Only when we totally and completely abandon ourselves to God will we be able to let go of everything that is keeping us from what God wants for us. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.