A man decking a woman in "sports"?! How the heck did we get here?!
Last weekend at Mass, the priest said the Samaritans were unorthodox from the beginning. After the 40 years of wandering in the desert, they did not settle down with the true People of God, the Jews. They rather went North, where eventually, the schism from the true kingdom would occur (the North broke from the true kingdom remnant of the South, just like the East broke away from the West in Christendom.) In that time, the Samaritans did not cooperate with the true Jews of the South in the kingdom, and they had their own way of worship in defiance of the true temple in Jerusalem. They only accepted the first five books of the Torah and not the greater succession of Revelation with the Prophets that followed long after Moses.
Does this sound familiar?
For remember, if Christ fulfills all in His flesh, and if the Church, His Mystical Body, fills up in her flesh what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ, then, too should the Church fulfill the things in Christ's life in Her history, which is played out after Christ leaves.
But then, consider the profundity: Pagan Rome was for Christians what Egypt was to the Jews: an oppressive power that persecuted the People of God. Therefore, just as God delivered His children of Old from Egypt and they wandered in the desert not fully settled for a time, and yet more or less one People till the settlement, when, as we saw with the Samaritans, the divisions starte, so also, were the Christians delivered from pagan Rome and in a transition period for the dark ages, before Christianity eventually settled down in Europe in the Middle Ages. And note, the People of New were mainly One in the big picture till the Middle Ages.
And lo and behold, just as the Samaritans did not settle with the true people in the south, so the East grew farther and farther apart from the West, culminating with the terrible, epic rift between East and West at the left edge of the Middle Ages.
And notice now also the spousal analogy. Five husbands, hmm? Consider that we know that true men of God are pseudo-Christs, spiritual husbands, marrying their dioceses, parishes, and communities they serve. They are the source of grace and truth, like the husband is the source of the seed of life. They descend from the altar down upon the faithful to infuse within them the very gift of love and grace in the Sacraments, and the truth by their preaching of the Apostles' doctrines, which the faithful, imaging the bride, receive into their inner being, conceive by pondering and practice of virtue, and bring forth new life that they then go on to share with the world around them, in the Spirit of Vatican II, where the laity, not the clergy, are called to be the supreme evangelizers of the world.
In this way, the supreme earthly husbands of the Church are the Apostolic Sees, of which there FIVE. WHOA! FIVE?! Yep, FIVE!
But the woman in the well had had FIVE HUSBANDS! Yes she did! So how can we make this work?! Hang on, we're gonna rock it out!
Firstly, since polyandry was always condemned even in the times of Old, so the woman could only have ONE husband at a time! But who? Who else but Peter, who is called to be the ULTIMATE Christ on earth, the ultimate earthly spouse of the children of the Father. So then, at the time of "settlement", the Middle Ages, the woman, the unorthodox disciples of the NEW Covenant, the East, DIVORCED Peter and married FOUR Husbands, the other four Apostolic Sees that claimed their own legitimate true place of worship, when in fact, it was the North that was truly in Schism, taking most of the twelve tribes, just as they were taking most of the Apostolic Sees, remembering that the twelve Apostles fulfill the twelve tribes of Israel.
And then what happened, after the Middle Ages? The next wave of unorthodox disciples, the Protestants, not only rejected the supreme husband on earth, Peter, but ALL Apostolic Succession, clinging only to Scripture. Meaning, they rejected ALL FIVE Apostolic husbands, and not just the one, leaving themselves, then, with NO real men of God who are validly ordained to take brides.
For, the Protestants have no true earthly spiritual husbands, since no man can be ordained a true man of God, a true spiritual husband, except by a Bishop, or valid Successor of an Apostle. But, Protestants deny that any man succeeds any Apostle. Therefore, the men that minister to Protestant churches are themselves just "pseudo-husbands", not valid. They act like men of God, they have spiritual intercourse with their communities, they claim to be men of God, but they are not formally in God's eyes. It is really like fornication spiritually. For they are not objectively true men of God, even though they mean well. For none of them were ordained by a real Bishop, a real man sent FORMALLY to serve by Christ. "You are right in that you say you have no husband. For you have had five husbands, and the man you are now with is not your husband."
Also, consider that as the Samaritans accepted only a MINIIMAL Divine Revelation, the mere Pentateuch, or beiginning Scriptures, so the Protestants except only a MINIMAL Gospel: The writings of the Apostles and no more. For them, there IS no succeeding revelation, no Sacred Tradition, no Church to develop doctrine!
In conclusion, the Samaritan Woman, in her Old Testament Unorthodoxy, fully images New Testament UnOrthodoxy