Spiritual Desolation
These words are used at the Easter Vigil when lighting the Paschal Candle. “Jesus Christ; Yesterday……. This verse alludes to the fact that Almighty God, as now seen in His Son Jesus Christ, Is Risen! He is forever, without beginning or end, and extends His Promise to each believer that we too will one day share in this resurrection and live forever in an eternal kingdom where God resides; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. See Hebrews 13: 8.
In the past ages many Heresies existed portraying thoughts in the mind of man covering much of what doctors of the Church and mystics have long attempted to recuse as false, misleading, and instilling doubt to the wondering and searching world regarding Almighty God and the Teaching of the Most Holy Trinity.
Some of my past reflections have attempted to continue the thoughts and teaching of the Catholic Church, wherein this reflection will expand on theses issues.
In “The Lamb of God” (excerpt from the CCC # 54) “In the beginning God makes himself known; God, who creates and conserves all things by his Word, provides men with constant evidence of himself in created realities”.
“The Transfiguration” We are told that God kept hidden for ages what His plan would be like in three stages: A stage play as such; the first act with the actors only silhouetted behind a curtain; act II reveals a little more (realized in Christ); act III His plan being completely exposed and realized in humanities role. The Transfiguration takes Perter, James, and John into a mysterious realm when Christ is revealed in His Glory after the Ascension and now they, as Christ’s Apostles, act in a way that includes all of us. This is a prelude to the second act completed with the Resurrection and Glory of Christ.
“Resurrection/Ascension” Without a doubt the most essential event in the life of Christ is the Paschal Mystery. It is a culmination of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, especially the Easter Vigil. Herein we find from the beginning in Genesis to The Resurrection of Christ God’s Eternal Plan to welcome humanity the opportunity to share with Him His Life and Love forever. If God did not always exist this would all be a travesty on humanity and reason enough to disavow God’s Promises.
“The Beauty of the Risen Lord” Another reflection that brings out the essence of the Paschal Mystery in its completeness. This mystery should be no mystery at all if we believe in God and His promise, through Christ, that the Eternal Father prepared all this from the beginning (our beginning).
“Faith and Reason” Some excerpts from Augustine, who wrestled for years with the thoughts and questions regarding God’s total connection to and creativity of the universe, and the understanding that with God there is no beginning and ending of this world made for us. Yes, the earth and the cosmos were created, but the creator has always been.
“It all Happened once upon a Thought” Mysteries abound and they number many. Almost too many for the limited capacity of the human mind. God is real and Infinite in spirit. The divine can be felt if we are open to is touch. Not a physical touch but an inner type of peace that reside deep within the soul of man. Can you feel the presence of the Lord inside? Wait until the plenteous themes reach down and promise a hopeless existence and know not where to turn for solace.
It is then in the emptiness, loneliness, and dryness of the wilderness inside of us that God can reach in and touch the depth of our soul. See my reflection on The Wilderness Experience.