The Funeral Mass - Mass of the Resurrection
“A Pain of Loss” - Anger-Hatred-Healing
July 7, 2016 Dallas, Texas, a demonstration that started out peacefully over the two successive police shootings in Louisiana and Minnesota. But, peacefulness became shattered by the sound of guns and people running for their lives, while many policemen were running towards the sounds of gunfire and terror.
Watching the news since Thursday and the reactions of thousands across the country and around the world, one can view the outrage on the faces of so many people, with pro and con, between white and Afro-American citizens. Have we reached an impasse in today’s society where unrest over violence perpetrated by many has risen to anarchy? Lest we forget; those who have passed from this life are:
1. Tuesday, July 5, 2016, Alton B. Sterling 37, of Baton Rouge, LA, shot by a policeman and caught on video.
2. Wednesday, July 6, 2016, Philander Castile, 32, of Falcon Heights, Minn, shot by a policeman during a traffic stop.
3. Thursday, July 7, 2016, Brent Thompson, a DART Police officer, Dallas, TX the first to be shot by a known gunman; and the following four Dallas police officers, all shot by the same gunman.
4. Thursday, July 7, 2016, Lorne Aherns, a Dallas police officer.
5. Thursday, July 7, 2016, Michael Smith, a Dallas police officer.
6. Thursday, July 7, 2016, Michael Krol, a Dallas police officer.
7. Thursday, July 7, 2016, Patrick Zamarriipa, a Dallas police officer.
Where does the blame begin? Who should we hold accountable for the terrible senseless shootings that are just a small part of the scenarios happening in this country, but even further the horrendous shootings that have become a common and current event from terrorists, lone gunmen, and very sick individuals around the globe? Can anyone pick from a myriad of significant actions who and where the blame is to be laid upon?
In an earlier writing, I penned a reflection titled “Poverty” wherein I stated this was the worst evil in our world. I believe that its existence has a penetrating effect upon our society and from it is spawned many ills we find in today’s modern world. There have been some that argued with me saying that they know people who are living in poverty and are very happy. They have missed the point of my accusation. It isn’t poor people where the problem lies, but the absence of moral and ethical provisions that should become guidance to our social ills and the need to look deep inside the hearts and minds of persons, who in my estimation are without God. That is their choosing to keep God out of their inner life. But then, when one lacks faith there becomes a spiritual blockade that will most definitely keep God away from entering our deepest needs and consolation.
Coming back to the issue at hand. and the suffix words of Anger, Hatred, and Healing, let’s explore these in the order I’ve stated.
Anger; no doubt has become an environmental mantra at the way so many lives, especially those who exist in the realm of Poverty can be heard. My heart goes out for each of those persons caught up in this useless but almost common way of life. It is said that the rabbit is a docile animal but if you corner it threatening its life that rabbit will become an adversary and will fight to be let go. I often wonder if this isn’t what has happened to so many in the ghettos and because of the past history of many minorities and their ancestral background they too may feel as the trapped rabbit. Anger is a strong emotional reaction to different events, yet it needs to be directed with a positive effect so as to affect the outcome in a non-negative manner.
Hatred; a word no-one should want to choose as their mantra, yet the events of Louisiana and Minnesota were events, coupled with the scenario of the preceding paragraph, could very well be at the base of the demonstration in Dallas and other cities around the world. And not just these gatherings but many others in the past year due to similar shootings on persons, no matter what the reasons were for police involvements. Hatred is not an emotion that should be used, ever, to eradicate an event that must be reconciled in a peaceful and intelligent manner.
Healing; I just read a story about healing and I’d like to include it here. “So this morning I went into a convenience store to get a protein bar. As I walked through the door, I noticed that there were two white police officers (one about my age the other several years older) talking to the clerk (an older white woman) behind the counter about the shootings that have gone on in the past few days. They all looked at me and fell silent. I went about my business to get what I was looking for, as I turned back up the isle to go pay, the oldest officer was standing at the top of the isle watching me. As I got closer he asked me , “How I was doing?” I replied, “Okay, and you? He looked at me with a strange look and asked me, How are you really doing? I looked at him and said “I’m tired!” His reply was “me too.” Then he said, “I guess it’s not easy being either of us right now is it?” I said , “No it’s not.” Then he hugged me and I cried. I had never seen that man before in my life. I have no idea why he was moved to talk to me. What I do know is that he and I shared a moment this morning, that was absolutely beautiful. No judgments, No justifications, just two people sharing a moment. This young lady is an African-American.
This morning the news media showed a female police officer with the Dallas police force near the memorial in front of the police station, and a young black girl came up to her and wanted to hug her. Many others followed doing the same and she cried.
Isn’t that what healing is all about. As I have watched the news over the past several days, and listened to all that was going on, the young girl in the car where Philander Castile was fatally shot and she was fearful for her own life, to the police running towards the shooter in Dallas, protecting the citizens, mostly black, in Dallas and seeing the bodies of at least two officers who had been shot lying on the pavement, I haven’t been able to keep my own tears from falling in grief for those who were shot, and the knowledge that hatred and fear are so much of our current existence. Please God, help our fallen race (human race), give us hope and send your Holy Spirit into the hearts of so many in need of your eternal love and heal our troubled hearts.