Protestantism Finds a Type in Jezebel
Conversion of St Paul Feast pointing to future Protestantism's Conversion
Jesus, the New Adam, converted the OLD Testament Pharisee Saul to Paul
Mary, the New Eve, will convert the NEW Testament Pharisees, the Protestant right, to Catholicism
OT Pharisee blasphemes the New Adam; NT Pharisee blasphemes the New Eve
OT Pharisee believes those who suffer deserve it; NT Pharisee ditto
OT Pharisee follows literal letter of the Scripture but misses the point; NT Pharisee ditto
OT Pharisee thinks he is elect by virtue of physical lineage and condemns all others who are not; NT Pharisee thinks he is elect by virtue of singular decision and condemns all others who are not.
Individual OT Pharisee was literally knocked off horse to open eyes.
Corporate NT Pharisees will be knocked off of their figurative horse by the coming chastisement that is prophesied by approved apparitions of the new Eve. Their vile doctrines of Rapture and health and wealth Gospel will be shattered by the suffering that all men are plunged into. And their eyes will be opened by the new Eve to the mystery of Catholic suffering that sometimes good people do suffer and we can unite our sufferings to Jesus's heart and Mary's heart and help redeem sinners. In this way the New Testament Pharisees will become children of the new Eve and there will be peace just as the Old Testament Pharisee became a child of the new Adam and the Gospel was born.
Mary, the New Eve, shall open the eyes of the Protestant Right
Why is there the right and left? Is it arbitrary? No. There are two sides to a coin because there are two faculties of soul: the intellect [the head] and the will [the heart]. One extreme, the right, is to have a head but not a heart. Which is another way of saying, your head is hard, but your heart is hard also. These are the Pharisees. The other extreme, the left, is the opposite: to have a heart but not a head. Which is another way of saying your heart is soft, but your head is soft also. These are the Sadducees. Today, these extremes are, in Protestantism, what is usually seen as right or left oriented Christians, respectively. And these have been the extremes that the heretics tend to pole around.
Hence, on the one hand, the modern fulfillment of the Pharisee is the hard-core, Fundamentalist Evangelical. They are hard headed but also hard hearted. They think straight but cannot bend their hearts. Therefore, the Bible is literal, the world was made in six literal days, the beast is a literal world empire, and all non-Christians who die non-Christian will fry without exception. The Bible is a science book. The other disposition they take, because they are short-sighted, is that they do NOT understand that "s*** happens." In other words, like the Pharisees of Old, they tend to assume that if you are suffering from misfortune, it is because of your sin. Hence, their world is very simple: good people prosper materialistically, and those who suffer misfortune are sinners who have it coming to them. If only they would repent, they would not suffer like they do.
Now, the good point of the "Sadducaical Protestants" is that they are very much aware that "s*** happens." In fact, they have either gone through some serious s*** that they didn't deserve or else have seen or known plenty of people that have done so. Therefore, they have compassion, unlike Pharisees. But precisely because they have witnessed so much seemingly senseless "s***" happen to so many good people, and in view of the absurd arguments between people on the Christian right ("Whose wife will she be?", or, derivatively, "Which are the respective nations of the beast, false prophet, whore, and creatures of the fifth trumpet? How did the kangaroos after the Flood get to Australia? How do we reconcile a 6,000 year old universe with the scientific data?"), the NT Sadducee has grown disillusioned with "God's truth" and tends, therefore, to doubt much of the stuff that is orthodox truth (such as, "There is no Resurrection." That is, Jesus is not so much a Divine Person who literally rose from the dead, as much as an idea of compassion and solidarity with the downtrodden. Most of the Bible is fiction, parables that teach us lessons, but having no real historical essence. The important thing is to be kind, caring, sharing, and tolerant, and not worry about what is "true" in terms of doctrine). And, since their well-meaning compassion is not guided by a right-thinking brain, they become, as it were, more lax in regards to morals.
Hence, these are the extremes that tend to divide the heretics: on the one hand, there are the Pharisaical heretics, who tend to be ultra-literalists and so head bent on determining truth that they fail to love the persons before their own eyes, hard-heartedly condemning persons in presumptuous judgment, such as non-Christians.
On the other hand, there are the Sadducaical heretics, or disillusioned compassionates, who would rather not think about doctrine and "religious truth" and just reduce the Gospel to the mere corporal works of mercy, tending, by virtue of a misguided compassion, to allow serious immoralities because the alternative practice of virtue may in many cases require a significant, heroic virtue.
Christ stands in between the two extremes, as does His Church. For Christ's Church has a [hard] head and a [soft] heart. That is the balance.
Hence, the reunion of Christians that takes place eschatologically, if Christ's prayer is to ever be answered, must necessarily involve the conversion of the "Pharisees" of the NT and the likewise “Sadducees” as well. And, in Christ's day, the New Adam converted the Pharisee Saul by knocking him off his horse.
Similarly, just as the Pharisees and Sadducees of Christ's day attacked Him, the New Adam, is this not paralleled today in that the modern Pharisees, the Fundamentalist evangelicals, do not attack the New Adam (seeing as their religion is already of the New Adam, Christ) but nevertheless attack His counterpart, the New Eve? Yes, certainly do the Pharisees of the NT assault the Virgin with great vehemence. For, again, they are hard in heart, and the Virgin represents everything that is soft. Hence, they must attack the Virgin.
And if we recall that the New Adam knocked the Pharisee Saul, who became thereafter, St. Paul, off of his horse to bring his conversion and remove the scales from his eyes, shall there not be a parallel that the New Eve shall knock the NT Pharisees off of their horse. And how shall the Virgin bring this about? Does it not center on the greatest mystery of religion, suffering? For, do not the children of Mary understand the full meaning of suffering, which is to unite one's sufferings with Christ and merit graces for others? Therefore, because the Pharisees of old presumed their materialistic welfare on account of their "righteousness," do not also the NT Pharisees succumb to the same lie, that because they are "holy and chosen,” they shall not suffer? And does not such hard hearted presumption give birth to their perennial lie that is called the "rapture," where they see themselves immune from the horrors coming on the world?
So, in the Minor Chastisement--which comes from Private Revelation [especially Fatima, perhaps the greatest Private Revelation of the Virgin in Church history] and which seems imminent given the Minor Apostasy that now reigns in the world--when the Pharisees of New pass through the horrors, shall they not embrace the Gospel in all its fullness and recognize their Mother whom they persecute: "She is not a Virgin anymore, She is not assumed, She is not Immaculate, and Her children are idolators!"
And the disillusioned ones, the Sadducaical Christians, shall not they convert when they see the consequences of the moral depravities they see as salvific, rather than the darknesses that they are [contraception, abortion, divorce, euthanasia, homosexual marriage, etc]?
So then, the meaning of the "New Testamant Exile"--the intermediate chastisement of Church history that shall abandon the Gentiles into the consequences of their unfaithfulness to the New Testament Covenant (even as the literal Babylonian Exile brought the Jews into the punishment for their unfaithfulness to the Old Covenant)--is to unveil to all, the heretics of both persuasions and the total apostates, the utter consequences of all spiritual and moral deficiencies, hence showing the world its need for the fullness of faith, which alone is found in the Church that recognizes the utter purity and holiness of the Virgin, the New Eve.
Heretics do not fully understand the mystery of human suffering. For the more Pharisaical version of them, they tend to believe that if you are suffering some misfortune, it is because you deserve it, because of some sin, like the Pharissees of old.
The Sadducaical forms of heretics know, on the other hand, that suffering can and many times does come upon the innocent, and because of this, they question the idea that there is any true doctrine. They say, where is the God of salvation when the innocent suffer?
Therefore, whereas the Pharisee emphasizes the need to have correct doctrine and morals to the detriment of kindness to the innocent sufferers, the Sadducee emphasizes kindness to the suffering innocent to the detriment of concern for doctrinal and moral correctness.
The extreme result of the Sadducees is to seek to eliminate suffering even to the extent of abandoning key moral values, that is, to cave into grave moral evils out of their exaggerated compassion (let a woman kill her child, because it will difficult to keep it. Let the persons with same sex attraction marry, because they cannot help their disordered desires. Let the elderly take a deadly, painless pill rather than suffer naturally unto death).
The extreme result of the Pharisees, on the other hand, is an obsession of saving souls to the detriment of caring for the unfortunate. Many Evangelicals will tell homeless people that they deserve their plight because they don't have Jesus, and if they would simply accept Jesus truly in their heart, they would have a house, a good job, and food. That is, like the Pharisees of Old, these hypocrites will stand by orthodox morals but won't lift a finger to help those struggling to do what is right.
Christ, and the Catholic Church, which is His true Church, stands in between the hypocrites of right and left, taking what is good from both.
And this is what neither extreme hypocrite understands: our sufferings are PRECIOUS to God, in that, if we are in friendship with God [in a state of grace], we can unite our sufferings with Jesus' and offer them up as a sacrifice for the sake of the redemption of others.
Hence, the dying grandmother's severe pains from terminal cancer are a spiritual treasure that she can offer up for the conversion of her grandchildren, who are fornicators and revelers, so that, if one or more of them are convicted by conscience and return to their faith, the sufferings of their grandmother will have assisted in their redemption.
Why, therefore, should we waste any suffering? There is, therefore, no USELESS suffering of the innocent: if you are suffering some pain that cannot be relieved through morally legitimate means, you can offer it up to Jesus, and He will give graces to others, whomever you wish, thereby helping save the persons you offer it for.
This is the greatest mystery of our existence that eludes the hypocrites of right and left, the right having minds but no heart, the left having hearts but no minds. For, Christ has a mind and a heart, as does His Church, and this is why Christ's True Church, the Catholic Church founded on the papacy, always takes flack from both forms of heretics: the right accuses of her being too liberal, and the left accuses her of being too conservative.
Therefore, when we see a suffering soul, let us not judge them and presume they are reaping what they sow, but bend over and give them a loving hand, seeking to help alievate what part of their suffering we can. And for those sufferings that cannot be helped, show them through the love of Christ that their remaining sufferings are a gift from God that are priceless, that they can unite them to Jesus' Sacred Heart and offer them up to God for the redemption of others.
This is the profound mystery of our world and why God made it. For God could have created world that never fell. But in allowing a world to fall, He draws the greater good: to turn the suffering that results from the spiritual death into a means of spiritual life, that the innocent may suffer for their persecutors or their loved ones. This is the supreme mystery, the primary reason that God created a world that He eternally saw would fall. This is the most beautiful thing possible in any conceivable world: that the just might suffer in love to reconcile sinners to the God that made them. This is the eternal beauty of mercy and love that loves so much that it bleeds and hurts for its enemies.
Let us therefore praise the God that is able to draw a greater good from evil than if the evil had never taken place.