An Appeal to Build the Kingdom Here and Now [We're Appointed and Anointed to have a MASS Impact]
DISCLOSURE: I voted Trump. I do not wave a flag for Trump. Trump is flawed. As are we. Trump has to deal with very imperfect circumstances. As do we. We recognize and accept that perfection is the realm of sainthood; politics, the realm of the greatest good possible. We are not on team conservative. We're not on team liberal. We're on team humanity. A humanity endowed by "our Creator" with "inalienable rights."
Insofar as the Enemy succeeds in pitting us against one another, our shared "humanity bracket" is busted. None of us win. Do each of us need "salvation" from stuff? Do each of us need to entrust ourselves to a guiding and providing Something or Someone beyond our means? Absolutely. As for me and my house, that person is not Trump. It is not Schumer. It is not our parish priest or some pastor. It is not Graham. It is not the Pope. It is not some nameless philosophy. Like you, we are free to choose. And having surveyed most options throughout history, having witnessed respective consequences of those options (and due recognition of the multitude whose profession did not correspond to their practice), we name and claim Jesus as our Savior and our Lord. And in spite of very imperfect, at times even scandalous representation throughout history, God gives us Himself through His church. Not political institutions, but God alive in His church is the supply of our greatest needs and aspirations. For this church Jesus died. (Eph. 5) That we might be one. (John 17) That we might conquer the gates of hell. (Matt. 16:18) That we might make disciples of the nations. (Matt. 28:19)
So, with regard to the political realm, we note Jesus always and only appealed. He never coerced. Institutions can not love, only people can. Institutions can not save, only God can. So, as for me and my house, we will look to heaven, not Washington. As for me and my house, we recognize that God blessed us to be blessers, not Trump. And this is not just once in awhile. It's all the time. It's not contingent or partial. It's all-in. It's not just 10%. It's 100%.
ALL THIS SAID, DEAR WASHINGTON: Can you please quit reducing politics to something like allegiance to a favorite sport's team? So worried about which side wins that we're all losing? Can you please quit using us constituents as pawns? Sacrificing us at the altars of your own self-preservation, egos and arrogance? We need principled, humble, self-sacrificing leaders willing to set aside such kindergarten games and (duly noting fundamental differences) work together for undeniable, common "better" within the scope of government.
AND FOR US: Let's consider what Covey calls our "circles of influence." Let's not expend another moment in things beyond us. We've been entrusted with only so much influence, so much time, so much energy, so many resources, to do what we are meant to do. Then it's gone. Then we're done. Then our life will be measured. Let's not simply pray, "Thy Kingdom come." Let's avail ourselves to being His answer. And look no further than our families, friends and neighbors. In the immortal words of that great sage, Paul McCartney: "Speaking words of wisdom, let it be!"
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