Called To The Mystery Of Intercessory Prayer
“ Behold the Wood of the Cross on which hung the Salvation of the world, O come let us adore.” The priest sings as we gaze at the crucified one on Good Friday. There was an ancient ritual in Jerusalem that took place on that day. The Bishop sat on a chair with the relic of the True Cross on a table in front of him. The faithful would approach and first touch the relic with their forehead, then gaze upon it and kiss it. By placing their head upon it they wanted the memory of what Jesus had done for them to be etched upon their minds. I invite you to imagine you are on Calvary with Mary, John and the Magdalene. Press your head to the foot of the cross. Listen with your heart to His Heartbeat and to the words He utters and remember those seven sacred words.
“ Hear Me, Father, please forgive them,
They know not what they do;
Lost, alone, without a shepherd
They wandered far from You.
Caught in a dark anxiety
They heard the tempter’s voice;
Crippled by their gnawing fear
They made an awful choice.
'It's better now” the High Priest said,
“ That One dies upon the Cross,
Lest the nation and the people,
Now be forever lost.'
I am their Shepherd and their Lord,
My love has paid the cost;
I'll draw them to my wounded Heart;
I'll rescue all the lost.”
“ His heart was open to My grace
Despite the pain upon his face,
When Gestas, cursed and taunted Me,
He spoke up and defended Me.
'We suffer justly for our sins,
This Holy Man is innocent!'
Jesus, my Lord, remember me,
When in Your Kingdom, You are free.'
Look at Me, Dismas, my dear friend,
To you I say, Amen! Amen!
This day, I promise you will be,
This day, in paradise with Me.”
“ I look with tender, grieving love,
On You, my dearest Mother,
Behold, Your loving, dying Son,
To You, I give another.
Take him now, into Your Heart.
Dear John, behold your Mother!
In pain, in love and one in Heart,
You’ll make your home together,
You’ll find Me close beside You there,
For I will leave you never.
Into this Home, your Heart in Mine,
Bring all the world together.”
“ I thirst, but not for water,
Or the blood of the vine.
I thirst, and for this thirst,
I gave My life, Divine,
I gave My Life to quench the thirst,
That tortures humankind,
And now I thirst, that only you,
Trade Me your life for Mine.”
“ My God! My God! I cry to Thee,
Why have You now abandoned Me?
Deep darkness hides Your light from Me;
Your loving Face I cannot see!
In anguish, I behold their sins,
Their pain and violence deep within,
The suffering child, the tortured man
The woman's pain - My enemy’s hand.
He pierced My Mother's Heart in grief
And from Her pain there’s no relief.
My God! My God! I cry to Thee,
I know You won’t abandon them or Me!”
“ Into Your loving Hands I fall,
I yield My Soul, My Life, My all.
You are My God, My Father true,
You’ve walked with Me My whole life through.
I trusted and You did not fail,
Even in death, I love You still!
The darkness grows and fills My Soul;
The pain of flesh now takes its toll.
The web of death falls over Me;
I hear all anguished cries to thee;
My Heart is filled with dreadful fear;
Receive My Spirit, Father dear!”
“ My blood is falling to the ground;
My agony’s unending;
The sky is darkening all around;
The very earth is splitting.
I hear the muted sobs of grief;
My heart breaks for My Mother.
The pain - excruciating, deep;
O, where are You, My Father?
Where are those who followed Me,
Who shared My Love, My Supper?
Great terror seeps into My Soul,
My Body trembles, shudders!
I die alone upon this Cross;
But all I've done, won’t come to naught!
One Faithful One - She gave Me birth!
My death has wedded Heaven and earth -
It is finished!”