Communist Catholics?
Did you know that the water we showered with this morning is the same water that the Spirit of God hovered over in Genesis? The water we made our coffee with this morning could be the same water that parted the sea for Moses and the Israelites in the Exodus. That’s right, the same water that we use today, is the water that has been on this Earth since the beginning of creation. It moves through a cycle that transforms continuously and has been for millions of years! It brings to us the same kind of life that it brought our ancestors!
Water is the only substance on Earth that can be found in three forms – liquid, gas, and solid. Is it interesting that our God is also one substance but three persons. Water truly gives life to every living thing on this Earth. No life can live without it, nor can we live without the Living Fountain of Water and life itself, our God and Heavenly Father.
Isaiah 12:3; "Therefore you will joyously draw water From the springs of salvation. “
Water, though not a living thing, is life giving. Nothing that exists on this Earth that does not contain breath is new. All natural non-living elements (rocks, air, dirt) and water, were created from the beginning. They remain and exist for the very purpose of sustaining the new life that has and will continue to perpetuate this world since Adam and Eve, until the final day and judgment. Yet everything living on this Earth is newly regenerated and created from these very natural elements which include life giving water. Only living beings can bring other living beings into existence. A rock cannot birth another rock, but we as God’s living creatures can create new life through him who is the Creator of all!
Of all the living creatures created by God, only we, human beings have been gifted with His image and likeness and soul. He bestows on us the opportunity to promulgate his life and unique existence through the Covenant bonds He created through marriage, which bestows Grace and is of a supernatural essence. Is it any wonder why the Church stands firm on the issue of artificial contraception and marriage? What a privilege it is for us to be able to, within a divine union with another human being, bring more of his glorious creation into the world. No wonder Mother Church stands firm in the reality that any perversion of this holy act of conjugal living and union is sinful and immoral and battles against the goodness that is God alone. God enables us to be elevated to a height in which no other creation can. He allows us the ability to assist Him in the very creation of souls who He will breath into with a spirit of divine life and an everlasting soul. How awesome is our God!
Yet many of us deny ourselves the honor and indulgence that God bestows on us to engage in this glory by forgoing the divine in favor of the perverse and worldly notions of lust, greed and carnal pleasure. We disregard the mystical and marvelous work of life in favor of the diabolic and irreverent. When we do this we deem and categorize ourselves diabolic and irreverent as well.
We don’t understand the vastness and depths of the gifts God gives us and that surround us every day. We are so distracted by the ordinary, unsacred and selfish that the world and Satan offer that we miss and neglect the Grace that can transform and deify us. How does this happen? How have we become so blinded? How does the glory of God’s creation become ordinary in our eyes?
Water, so ordinary, yet such a necessary and incredible substance! It is a miraculous substance if we look beyond its’ ordinariness and see it’s extraordinariness! It is much like God himself, revealed in everything we are enveloped in every day.
Can we let the living waters of baptism wash us clean of our sinful vices and filth and bring us back to the glory we are made for? We have the ability to renew these Baptismal promises at Easter and we can allow them to start transforming us into what we are meant to be. We will only be on this Earth a short while, much unlike the waters that will remain to yet transform many more lives to Glory. The three elements of water have been in this World since the beginning, along and beside the three persons within the one substance of the Living God. They will remain after we leave this Earth to reign in the realms of Glory. This water will remain to wash clean all new life who submerge themselves within it. The water will stay until our last brother and sister are called home to Heaven. So hang on and ride the wave of those waters into the realms of Light, Love and Divinity!