The Mystery of Redemption in the Parable of the Sower: The Communion of Saints
The leopard, Greece, of Daniel 7, had four wings. Why not the four great elements of culture that elevated her above a brute earthly existence?
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The woman in Apocalypse 12 received two wings and she flew to a rest from the serpent. Were not the Middle Ages the greatest period of rest from Satan's attacks in Church history, in which She flourished and harnessed Greek Philosophy and Art into Scholasticism and Sacred Art, so much so that it was incredible leisure, unlike modern leisure, which is no leisure at all, but petty amusements and frivolous fodder to waste one's time?
Authentic leisure is meant for one to contemplate God and His creation, His mysteries, His Love. Modern entertainment is brute and superficial. The bourgoise culture we live in works us to death and then shuffles us through quick and meaningless activities, then having the audacity to call it rest and recreation.
The Dragon, the Woman, and all of Church History
Woman flies to temporary rest from Serpent, Apoc. 12:14
The Middle Ages.
The woman is, as it were, resting from the serpent, yet a time of tribulation ["a time, times, and a half time", in that, 3 1/2 is half of seven, a time of great imperfection, per Biblical scholarship].This adequately describes the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, the Church's influence on humanity in terms of concentrated degree for Europe was greater than it has ever been. The Age of Faith, Scholasticism, Sacred Art, the many saints. It seems that persecutions of the Church were the least in this age compared to Pagan Rome, Islam, Protestantism, French Revolution, and the horrors of the 20th Century.
About the wings she gets: The woman acquires the wings of the eagle, and flies to a trying time, but nevertheless one in which the dragon is eluded for a time. Let us revisit: Firstly, the Middle Ages were the pinnacle of Catholic influence in the world so far in history. The Church, while having some tribulation, such as the Crusades and Inquisitions, nevertheless flourished like no other time since then. So how might we see the wings: Well, Scripture has seen many times wings as things of the transcendent.
In Daniel 7 , the leopard with four heads and four wings was Greece. We know that leopards are swift, and so was Alexander's conquering. After Alexander died prematurely, his kingdom was split up into four divisions according to his four main generals, hence four heads. What about wings, well this is me speaking: What four great things "elevated" Greece above a brute materialism like no other. Bingo, was it not these:
And if the Church perhaps BORROWED TWO WINGS FROM GREECE, which ones did she BORROW? Well! The transcendent soul of the human has two faculties, intellect and will. The Church, in the Middle Ages, borrowed the two great pillars of Greece in a natural sense to elevate and develop the marvel of the Church’s intellectual and heart-felt life that relate to the faculties of soul: Philosophy and Art!
Philosophy elevates the mind and assists in arguing and defending the truths of God, Scholasticism. And Sacred Art elevates the mind and heart to God: paintings, statues, magnificent edifices: These two great features--Scholasticism and the intellectual life of the Church, marvelously propped up by natural philosophy, and Sacred Art, which, following the victory against the Iconoclastic heresy of old, transformed the blasphemous pagan idols into images of our Lord and the Saints—enabled the Church to flourish and “rest from the serpent” for a time.