Becoming bitter towards another person
Is there anything more poignant that can be said about God and His deep and abiding love for us than this wonderful portion from his countenance? This isn’t just a term to reflect upon or be in awe of, but a living proof of the Almighty’s concern for each person and his/her eternal soul, and freely given to us.
As I listen to ministers speak of the many attributes from God’s adherence within our daily lives, it is obvious that grace takes the top place of need for humanity’s quest in life and acceptance of the mercy God wishes to give us.
Let’s take a moment to digest the real impact on each of us when God’s Grace enters into our very being, not filtering down as pixy dust or something misunderstood, but an actual infusion of Divine Peacefulness and a quality freely given that no one can ever take from us or destroy from without.
On February 1, 2014, at Mass, I spoke to the Lord confessing how much my life has been filled with so many challenges that are not in keeping with His Will. “I am weak”, I said, and His response was “I know how weak you are”! “My Grace is sufficient”, similar to the words given to St. Paul when he asked for the thorn to be removed from his side. Here again it is Grace that sees us through life’s many difficulties and will protect us no matter what as long as we are open and trusting in Him.
Two words or bi-lines we should live by; our trust in Him and His Grace which He freely gives to us. All else is not necessary if these are held close, and the protection promised will always be there. Our requirements are to believe He loves us, unconditionally, and will never forsake us. Again be completely trusting and His Grace will see us through.
There have been times when I had the opportunity; let me qualify this with answering the urging from the Holy Spirit to reach out and heal; of reaching out with healing, blessing, and grace-filled ministry coming from God, and seeing the Grace of God come through and experience the healing of another. Again, as in retrospect, it was and is Grace that comes through my ordination and the gifts given to me at that time. Not that I produce grace, but grace comes through me because God has blessed me to be the vehicle to heal through Grace.
As I mentioned above, I trust in God to realize how Grace works; not that I understand it, just that I know this powerful entity from God is there. He gives it through His Spirit and uses our person to extend it upon others. Isn’t that what His Will is? We are to extend the gifts freely given and share them with all humanity. Jesus was emphatic with this teaching about not placing the gifts in our pockets or using them for our own satisfaction, but to share. Sharing unselfishly is also the Grace coming through.
As with each step we take during our journey to God His one requirement is for us to just accept the Love He gives us and to proclaim that by the way we promote those Grace-filled experiences in total belief while He waits for our response with a Yes to the call each of us has been given.
When the Prodigal Son returned to his father the message Jesus attempted to portray to the Pharisees was the forgiveness of His Father towards all and if only they would have accepted that with their faith the tide of history would have been different. But, we know Scripture already predicted the outcome by the reality of Calvary. It is in this scenario that God’s Grace is always before us if only we will adhere to the call He gives us.