Jesus: Child of the Poor
After many months of the Spirit prompting me to go to Mass more frequently, I finally caved and started attending before work each morning at a downtown cathedral close to where I work.
There is so much beauty in early morning weekday Mass that I never expected. The darkness of dawn illuminated by a few candles. The stillness of the cathedral. The quiet prayer time it affords before the busy-ness of the day.
What I am most struck by is the small, diverse group of people who form a community at daily Mass. We are all types – wealthy and poor, white and black, and young and old – with an unspoken bond of deep reverence and devotion to God. Some sit in the back and in the front. All are hungry for God and make a choice to be with Him in the morning.
Soon after I began attending Mass, it became a bright spot in my day, and made such a difference in my life. Daily Christian habits became easier when I was fed by the Lord in the Word and Eucharist every day. I noticed a lightness in my soul taking shape, and a decline in sin’s hold on me.
Like most people, I made many excuses as to why I couldn’t go to daily Mass, in particular, that I have a demanding job and many responsibilities in my life. It didn’t seem possible to add another commitment. Well, the demands have taken care of themselves and I get everything done that needs to be. I also realized that I am in charge of what I prioritize. Being with God and starting my day with Him should be one of my priorities.
I look forward to daily Mass now. In fact, I need daily Mass to be the disciple I’m called to be in the workplace, in the community, and in my relationships; and to learn and discern the intricacies who I am called to be. The world is a very challenging place to live in right now, and daily Mass can sustain us.
Mass is such a gift if we’d only see what God is offering us. Whether it’s a verse that touches us in Scripture, an inspiring message from the priest, an encounter with the Lord in prayer, or the support we receive in community, God is ever present to us in Mass. I encourage you to take a step and go maybe just once more a week, and find God somewhere in the Mass.
He is there, waiting for you and beckoning you with open arms.