Weddings and Modesty -- Time for us to review this!
Worrying won't do me any good.
Sometimes I need to place my Trust in God even more these days...
So, What saints can I turn to for helping me worry less?
I found this article:
"Ten Saints Every Worrier Should Know About" -- Wow, good 10 of them just not one!!
So, here's a list of the 10 and then I'll discuss a couple of my favorites:
1. Saint Dymphna, 2. St. Jude, 3. St. Rita of Cascia, 4. St. Padre Pio, 5. St. Henry II,
6. Blessed Juliana of Norwich, 7. Saint Vincentia Lopez, 8. Saint Juan Diego, 9. Pope Saint Leo the Great,
10. Saint Stephen Harding
Wow, I don't think I have even heard about a couple of these "saints" until right now!
Saint Dymphna was a daughter of a great pagan King or someone in authority in Ireland. Her mother died at a young age and her father wanted to marry her! Of course this is wrong; so Dymphna at first fled for her life; but her father eventually caught up to her and killed her! St. Dymphna is known to help people with depression and worries!
St. Jude is one of our family favorites. One time I prayed a few novenas to him awhile back for some financial help and he truly did come to our aid. I even named our second son after him (middle name).
St. Rita's story is one of my favorites. She was an older woman who wanted to be a nun. She had been in an abusive marriage; her husband had died and her sons too. So, she was now all alone in the world and felt a true calling to religious life. So, one day a group of nuns went to their convent, but they refused her entry into the convent. I mean, golly, she wasn't a virgin, but God had HIS own plans for Rita! One morning the nuns found Rita inside the gates inside the court yard of the convent. It was like God flew her inside and there she landed!! The nuns finally accepted Rita. But, Rita's crosses were not over, but just beginning! God gave her another cross of having a thorn from his Crown of Thorns in her head. It gave out awful odors and the Sisters did not tolerate it that much; but when Rita died, the thorn gave off a Rose smell instead! Rita is known for praying to her for impossible causes!
St. Padre Pio --well if he isn't one of your favorite saints -- think about his life! He had the Stigmata of Jesus for several years of his life; but he made no big deal out of it. He was very humble and he would get all kinds of letters from people. He could even sometimes tell what was going to happen -- you might say he had the Gift of Prophecy and Tongues. He could hear confessions and understand, even if he did not know the language or even a letter in another tongue. True "tongues" have nothing to do with jibberish!! True, speaking in Tongues is actually being able to hear or understand in your language (his was Italian) and be able to still give advice and have the other person understand (English for instance) -- though he also probably eventually learned some English -- there were people writing to him in all kinds of languages. Another neat tale is that you could send "your guardian angel" to Padre Pio and he would listen and understand requests this way. That is why sometimes he knew someone was going to visit, even before they came, etc. Padre Pio's life is so amazing; and I can see why he is patron against worry!
St. Juan Diego -- Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to him a few times and what did she tell him? "Am I not your mother?" Like this means -- do not worry!! I truly would have loved to see our Lady on top of the hill, gathering the roses to give to our Juan Diego. I am half Hispanic, so Our Lady of Guadalupe and Juan Diego should be saints I can pray to for sure!!
Well, I think that is all the saints I am going to comment about. Look up the other ones and see why they are saints against worry.
If you have a worry, give it to one of these 10 saints -- and ask Our Lady of Guadalupe to please protect you under her mantle!
Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe,
Keep me in your prayers,
Doing God's will,
And taking time to ask you to help me in all my worries today!