TWO DAYS IN August, 2017
Early in the morn when all seemed lost and lonely,
When One she loved seemed far away in death,
Mary from Magdala looked from the tomb of darkness
Into the light of love and truth.
Her name is called into the dawn;
Confused at first she looks around.
“O Lord,” she calls. “Is it a dream?”
“Behold the Son of God, I see.”
Within her heart joy and gladness meld;
He has risen as He said;
To conquer death and begin new life-
Peace, beyond the pall of human strife.
News of the Risen Lord spread through all the earth;
His light, yes, a beacon for us along His path.
The Living One has set us free-
Mary of Magdala, first witness to Thee.
Generations still have the light of grace and love
To see, to know Him who is above-
His Church, the path we are to follow
If we wish to begin our way- to find Him now!