My phone rang the other day; I picked it up and "Sally" was very excited and scared and I listened to her story.
Sally said: "The other day our family went out to eat pizza at a local eatery. We thought we were safe getting salad bar along with it."
"Well, no...hubby (Brian) started throwing up that night...."
"He was sick for like 3 days and my daughter got the throw-ups next...and after that...we thought we were done...until...
the next morning our youngest son, Leo, who's just 2 and half...he started choking on something...Brian knows CPR...better than he took Leo and threw him upside down and patted his back...all of a sudden all his food came out on hubby's feet (yuck) and Leo was fine. Leo did end up throwing up a few more we figured he had this bug thing too..."
"Wow," I replied after hearing Sally's story....
Sally said, "Yeah, we are so blessed that Brian knew CPR, otherwise we might have lost Leo...I am kind of scared at the moment; but I just wanted to let you know that we are going to arrange a CPR class this summer and wanted to invite you."
"Yes, I would love to come, Sally...." so Sally replied, "Great, I'll let you know the date soon."
I hung up the
That Mom tale was defintely something to listen too. I agree everyone should know CPR, especially parents. So, I am going to enroll in this class over the summer.
What about you? Do you know CPR? It is about time you did if you don't know it.
Find a CPR class with local Red Cross, which is the best way to learn.