Passover---Easter Continues--Daily
Dear hearts, dear beloved:
Oh my, I opened up a keg of something when I opened up to Malachi 3, for since then, God has taken me down the road of experiencing these Words. He wants me to really LEARN what was heard. Isn’t He awesome, and isn't it awesome to know how loved you are as you are disciplined and purified?
So to better get this message into my life, I really need it to be dissected or cut into smaller pieces so it can be then be chewed on-- instead of choking on it.
Malachi 3 v1-3
Now I am sending my messenger— (This scripture is referring to John the Bapist’s coming.) --he will prepare the way before me;
And the lord whom you seek will come suddenly to his temple;
The messenger of the covenant whom you desire—
see, he is coming! says the LORD of hosts.
2 But who can endure the day of his coming?
Who can stand firm when he appears?
For he will be like a refiner’s fire, like fullers’ lye.
3b He will sit refining and purifying silver, and he will purify the Levites,
Refining them like gold or silver, that they may bring offerings to the LORD in righteousness.
As I reflected on these Words, I wondered---was I heeding the call to prepare the way of the Lord, in my own life? Was I then, secondly, preparing the way for God to come into the hearts of others by sharing God’s love and Good News to them by how I spoke to them? I ask you the same questions.
Case in point, if the Pope stood before us we would be humbled yet so excited to see him! Well, Jesus is in ALL we meet who come into our world. Do we show our excitement over seeing them? Do we humble ourselves to listen, to help them and make them feel ‘worthy’ validating their specialness? We never know when ‘suddenly’ God or an angel unaware is in our presence do we? Each person is a gift, sent for a reason or a season, and unless we ACT like they are---we will miss this gift! Oh my, will we be able to endure the day for we failed to love as He said to love? And, will we in guilt and remorse, be able to stand before Him?
In His love for us, He will be sure that we will NOT have to endure this horrible feeling. Now, today, and everyday, He will sit refining and purifying the silver in our hearts and in our souls. The wondrous joy of just how He does this refining---- is to sit patiently with us holding us to the fire until He sees His reflection in the shine of the purified silver or gold. “I will never abandon you, or leave you in the fires of your life,” He tells us by His Words. Yea God! Thank You for Your Mercy and Love!
It is because of this KNOWLEDGE of His faithfulness and His LOVE that we experience in these fires of our life that we are then able to bring offerings to the LORD in righteousness and with hearts of deep thankfulness for His amazing Love!