He died in a Concentration camp—his crime was “being Catholic”
The FFRF (a snappy little acronym for the "Freedom From Religion Foundation") was in the news again. Their latest inane protest demanding the U.S. Navy get rid of all Bibles at guest hotels had been granted. NEXCOM (a pronounceable acronym for "Navy Exchange Service Command") decided in favor of FFRF, and agreed to remove Bibles from 34 Navy locations and 24,000 Navy Gateway Inns and Suites guest rooms on Navy bases around the world. Hey man, they did not even have to go to court and argue before a judge. No sir, the Navy just agreed to it. That was in June. Ah, but hope triumphed, and a wee bit of good old-fashioned American common sense finally prevailed. The United States Navy has ordered the return of all Bibles to the hotel rooms. This is just one example of FFRF's intrusiveness into the lives and practices of the millions of Americans who believe in God. Whatever is their problem?
I am so bewildered with this atheist thing. Okay, you want to be an atheist, knock yourself out. Sit under a tree and caress a falling leaf. That is your American right. Just remember, we deists do not care. I can guarantee you that we will not try to stop you from snuggling and honoring your fallen leaf. But--why do you CARE that there are billions of your fellow human beings who do believe in God? If you do not believe in God, can't you just be happy leaving us alone? Oh, I see, you are offended? Well, if that is the case, it is time you got over it. Grow up and thank the God you do not believe in for the very freedom that allows you to mock, belittle, disparage and continually tear down the rest of us.
Look my friend(s), you are hypocrites and do not even know it. You live in a country that gives ALL of us the FREEDOM to worship God. If you have a problem understanding this, let me explain: freedom does, in fact, include all of us deists. Amendment One says, 'Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or PROHIBITING the free exercise thereof." Therefore, it follows, that you guys want to use your freedom to PROHIBIT us God believers from enjoying our freedom to believe. That, my atheist, non-theist friends, makes you all hypocrites. And you call yourselves, "Freethinkers". Well, may I please ask, are not the rest of us allowed to think freely, or have YOU decided that we should not enjoy that freedom?
How would you like it if there was a group called "You Must Accept Christianity" or YMAC. In their zealousness to save all souls, they decided that all atheists must be baptized in the Potomac River. They go to court and quote George Washington who said, "The adoption of the Constitution will demonstrate as visibly the finger of PROVIDENCE as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate." Incidentally, the word PROVIDENCE, has often been used as the "name of God".
Okay, now, what if they found a judge who ruled that Washington's quote proves that the US Constitution is indeed, founded with belief in God as a basis. Then the same judge rules it is illegal to NOT worship God on Sundays. How would that work out for you? Are you not doing exactly that, but in reverse? Are you not weakening the Constitution that was put in place by men who strove so hard to protect the Americans of the future? If you lived in Iran, China, North Korea, and so many other places, you could NEVER get away with protesting the way you and so many others do in America. Why in the name of all that is GOOD, do you want to strip that freedom away from others?
I shall finish with this. The United States of America is still the most formidable bastion of freedom on this planet. You are weakening this nation with your silly and preposterous attacks on those who hold a different belief system than you do. I wish you all would step back and think about what you are really doing, when you try to strip the rights of those you disagree with away from them. You are promulgating government sponsored atheism. By the way, China leads the world in having the most atheists. They have almost a 50% atheist population. The United States only has a 5%-9% atheist population. Something you all might think about, because if you get so overly offended by all of America's religions, you do have options.