Prepare to Prepare!
When I was ready to make my first foray into the "world" (off to college!), I received a very precious gift. The giver had put a lot of time, energy, and talent into the gift. They were not expecting anything in return. The present was simply to be a blessing to my life. Upon receiving the bequest, I was genuinely thankful, and felt honored that the individual had worked so diligently to give something special to me. I could not wait to join my fellow students, thus allowing them to behold my wonderful acquisition.
However, when I arrived on campus and began mingling with other students, my gift seemed so inadequate. Others had been the recipient of more costly gifts. They openly displayed those gifts for all to see. Sadly, I became embarrassed of the once-cherished gift. I hid it, refusing to allow others to see the apparent lower caliber of my possession when compared to their extravagant treasures. I refused to see the true value of what I held in my hands.
Two thousand years ago, a Man gave me another priceless gift. He gave it freely. He put everything He had into it. He gave up all His glory in the home of His Father to come to this lowly place we call "Earth," to bring that glory to the human race. He allowed Himself to become one of us, and thus bestowed upon the human race the gift once spurned in a garden.
Like the gift I received, this gift was meant to be shared, not hidden away. It was not a gift meant for selfish people to hold to themselves, but to be freely dispensed to all around us.
Sadly, we are often embarrased of this cherished gift. Those around us at work, at school, at the store, on the internet, and in our neighborhood seem to have far greater gifts. They have the clothes, jobs, homes, cars, families, and yes, even churches, that appear much more desirable. Their treasures are shinier, faster, and more exiciting than the one we possess. Aren't they?
So many of us walk away from this treasure after our Confirmation, thinking we have found a better way to walk through this life. We have received as much of the gift as we need. We will stop by for a refresher occasionally, perhaps at Christmas and Easter, and the infrequent baptism, wedding, funeral, and First Communion. We will celebrate those gifts at the appropriate times, and then continue on with life.
My friends, the gift of salvation and the beauty of the Catholic faith are beyond price. They are not to be despised. They are to be cherished and lavishly poured out on all we know. God's Son is the gift we most need. Let us allow to God to fill us to overflowing with His gift, and allow it to pour out to others.
"Jesus Christ did not think the sovereign beatitude and glory of Heaven too dearly purchased at the price of unspeakable tortures, and by suffering His sacred flesh to be mangled by nails, thorns, and scourges. Great indeed must be the value of that which cost the Son of God so dear! And yet we esteem it so little, as to be even ready to renounce our claim to it, as, in fact, so many of us do, for the sake of some wretched pleasure or despicable interest! Ye blind and deluded children of men, contemplate the Wounds of your Crucified God, and see in what manner the gates of the kingdom of glory have been opened to you! See what it has cost Him to place you in possession of it, and understand, if possible, how infinite a benefit was bestowed upon you by the Son of God when He purchased for you Heaven, which you had lost by sin! ... Enter in spirit into these sacred Wounds, and you will comprehend the value and sublimity of that eternal felicity which they have acquired for you, and you will learn to detach your heart from the earth and from creatures, so as to place all your affections and desires upon Heaven."
— Fr. Ignatius of the Side of Christ