Finding oneself to be alone can create an absence without hope beyond understanding!
How often have you heard stories about children constantly being told by unthinking or uncaring adults, unfortunately some parents, with the attitude; “You’ll never amount to anything”, or “why do you keep trying when you know you’ll fail, you miserable so and so.” “Look at your older sibling or your neighbor or school friend; they never fail like you do.” “You’ll never be able to accomplish anything since you are stupid .” Whose child are you anyway?” “You can’t be mine since you’re a complete failure?”
There are countless pronouncements such as these, and even worse, that echo throughout history, and Oh so many adolescents that actually do become like these recipients of adults’, parents’, and even educators’ put-downs that thought they were saving the world from no-bodies and consequently send many aspiring young adults into a world that can be mean, painful, and intolerant of these young people, who were not given an opportunity to use their own gifts that were smothered or not allowed to flourish. How sad! And this should be an eye-opener to the rest of us to actually save the world of so much misguided and insensitive attitudes from those that should relegate love and tolerance when our progeny struggle from slower aptitudes than us.
Then, there are some who put down musicians, speakers, writers, and other people in the arts with comments like; you want to write? Do you know how many writers of stories, poetry, or teaching articles there are and a lot of them can’t get their work published? Or, go to any library and find thousands of books or other published material that relate to the very subject you’re writing about and you think you’ll improve on them? “Why I know a close relative who once began writing children’s books but never continued since there already are many out there, or they don’t have the time to write, but could have.”
You’ll hear reason after reason why you shouldn’t write, compose music, play an instrument, or become an artist within any endeavor or use your God-given gifts to express yourself, teach others, or just entertain the world. After all, those who reflect negative attitudes usually don’t have these gifts, are jealous of yours, or feel they are God’s answer to decide who should write, draw, or play music for the rest of the world to enjoy.
In my reflection titled “Why I Write”, I expressed the desire to put on paper the very words that seemed to exist in my mind and felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit inspiring and guiding my fingers, as the words usually roll off through the gift of literal expression. The belief that God does not choose us because we are great but because we are willing to use the gifts He gives us is the best reason to give back whatever talents we may be endowed with. If our gift touches one person the way God intended for us to reach out, then all the efforts and time spent has become a seed planted, nurtured by others, and harvested yet by another person. Our gifts are not for our own pleasure, but to complete the Kingdom of God here and now.
Do you feel you have a gift and no-one supports you; go for it anyway. The worst that can happen is no one will care, but you’ll accomplish what you began with heart, soul, and tenacity. Never let someone tell you not to reach up and search the heavens for success; whatever that may mean for you. Be your own person, love those who put you down, and show the world you are a somebody.