It Is Not About Us
Does Jesus love strippers? Seriously, I saw this “new story” on my Facebook feed today. Yes, Jesus does love strippers, he loves all of us, holy or sinful. The question that really needs to be asked is “Do Strippers love Jesus?” For that matter, do any of us, really love Jesus? Ultimately, the answer to that question is what will be the determining factor for each of us in that last hour of death, at that moment when judgement is executed and we are offered the mercy that God so generously gives those who love him, or we, instead, decide to do it our way. Our one way, irregardless of God's way for us, leads us to a place eternally in the absence of God, and his love for us, which really wasn’t as important as our own love for self anyway.
I am tired of so many of us using God’s great gift of love for us as justification to live lives of sin. If we truly love God, which is what he earnestly and hopefully desires from us, then this question need never be asked. If we truly love God then we would live the way that he demands us to, for our own good, happiness, and eternal joy. Not a joy offered by this world, not a false happiness that the works of a stripper will reap. Sinful acts certainly are not justified by God’s love for us. They actually mock God’s love for us and reek of pride and arrogance. They are truly the devil’s delight, and will be our downfall. We all have free will. If that free will is offered in obedience and submission to God because we truly love him, it will lead us to an existence where the total absurdity of such a question is obvious and recognized as apostasy and heresy.
Let’s focus not on whether Jesus loves strippers, but what the lifestyle and actions of such a person might reveal about their genuine love for Jesus. The answer to that question is what truly matters. Yes, Jesus loves us all, it’s too bad that many of us don’t truly love Jesus. Our love for Jesus matters much more to our eternal salvation than his love for us does.