Will You Earn Angel Wings?
The rainbow is an everlasting sign and symbol from God of a covenant He made with His people during the earliest days of creation. It was a sign that God would never again destroy the evilness, and filth of sin with the cleansing waters of a flood; a flood that ravaged the Earth and destroyed all life, except a small chosen few of His faithful servants.
The rainbow flag is a sign and symbol of the exact opposite. The rainbow flag represents the disobedience and the dismissal of God’s commands, and love. The rainbow flag, and the Gay Pride movement defies God’s law at it’s most fundamental and basic natural foundation.
It is telling that such a movement is revered as prideful. The worst and deadliest of the seven vices is pride and all that is manifested through the vice of pride is evil and vile. The arrogance that any of us as mere mortal creatures could thumb our noses at God’s plan for creation of life and the proliferation of souls to fill the Heavenly realm is indeed supernaturally spiteful and continues to be fueled by Satan. The proud are especially susceptible to his deception, because he plays to their temporal desires, selfishness, and greed.
Don’t think for a moment that Satan does not have his hand at work in the creation of a movement that has destroyed the notion of family, the dignity of the person, and the sanctity of a sacrament that is the mirror of Christ’s love for his Church. The Church; the manifestation and guardian of the physical presence of Christ on Earth in the Eucharist: Body Blood, Soul and Divinity. Is there any wonder why she would be under such violent and persistent attack?
Many have and will fall into these vices and sin. They will be wooed and coerced into false notions of tolerance and “charity” that will deepen the chasm between the holy and the unholy, the pure and the vile, the good and the evil. The boundaries will and are blurred by “Churches" and "clergy"who have denied God’s Truth, a Truth that has been fought for since the beginning of time. It is a battle that God’s chosen people have lost time and time again. A few have been faithful. Thankfully a few have been able to show us how to fight the good fight, all the way to the end.
Matthew 7: 13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
Humility is the key, and the opposite of Pride. True humility stands strong in the face of pride for the true lover of Christ. True love of Christ, found through relationship with him, and borne from dedicated prayer and the Sacraments, will stand firm against all sin and death. Amazing Grace will embolden the meek and pure of heart.
The waters that God promised to not destroy us with anymore, now destroys death at our one Baptism for the forgiveness of sin. A baptism in water and spirit that can offer to us a supernatural life here on Earth. An earthly life that will lead to resurrection from death and a glorious life in the World to come, but only if we look to the rainbow, and not the Pride found in the rainbow flag.