Glory in the Resurrection - the Promise of God the Father
Why is it that so many so-called evangelists feel the need to put down Catholicism by finding fault with every subject we as Roman Catholics believe and adhere to? Turn on the TV and you’ll find some particular preachers cannot exist unless they attack our Church with admonishments to warn others’ of the incorrect direction the Catholic Church is going.
This very morning, July 12, 2017, one of these preachers made a statement about tradition by saying if you hear that mentioned run the other way. Isn’t it ironic how some of these particular religions can not hold the interest of their viewers unless they attack the Holy Roman Catholic Church. Is it any wonder, at a time of uncertainty in the world, people are looking for a different direction in everything governing their lives that their faith is now under scrutiny from those who are not connected to Apostolic Succession? It appears they have found the only way to keep their growing audiences entertained is to bring down the dictates of our Church.
I want to inject here that there are a great number of TV Evangelists and Ministries that do not belong to those I am writing about in this article. They are, in many instances, right in-line with Catholic doctrine and beliefs. However, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the rest in a basket. Positive comments can easily be distracted by one negative pronouncement from ill-informed preachers.
Perhaps some of these preachers may even read this document and begin to boil at the thought that someone might have the audacity to confront their message. That’s exactly what I am doing! One thing is for certain, Jesus never left a book of instructions as to how His Church would grow. It has taken nearly 2,000 years of trial and error on man’s part and the patient teaching of the Holy Spirit’s inspiration and enduring gift of Grace to bring us to where we are as a faithful people and trusting in a Loving God.
Have you ever seen or heard of any other religion attacked constantly by those who are supposed to be advocate’s of God’s Word, by denouncing the Pope, the Sacraments, and our 2,000 years of guidance through our sacred tradition. It’s as though they have decided to make their own catechism, which exults their teaching, and at the same time ensuring the reader that Roman Catholic teaching is wrong. Of course, the use of subtle expressions is their mantra, but be sure the message is very clear and succinct.
Once we thought that foreign enemies, such as Isis and the Taliban, were those that threatened our way of life. But, alas, even in our own backyard are those that spend more time attacking the Holy Roman Catholic Church in ways that are so abhorrent to Christian Teaching it makes me wonder if there may not be Satanic influence in their church. Strike the Shepherd and the flock will fall as well. (Zechariah 13:7) .
You as the reader may make your own opinion, but keep in mind the words of Jesus: “You are rock and upon this rock I will build my church” (Mt 16: 13-20).