We are in a War of Principalities
In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless wasteland, and darkness covered the abyss, while a mighty wind swept over the waters. (Gen. 1: 1-2).
A mighty wind: Literally, “A wind of God,” or a “Spirit of God” cf Gen. 8:1. (footnote to Gen. 1: 1-2 NAB).
In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God: and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through Him, and without Him nothing came to be. (Jn. 1:1-3). NAB.
Already, from Genesis to John’s Gospel, we can see the eternal action of the Father (God), the Word of God, (Jesus Christ before the Incarnation), and the action of the (Holy Spirit); creating, redeeming, and sanctifying the human race.
Here is the Eternal Holy Trinity creating all for man (God the Father), preparing to redeem us from our sin (Passion of Jesus Christ), and sanctifying us through Grace by the action of the Holy Spirit.
Which one of these activities is more crucial for our salvation than the other two? Is one person of the Trinity to be thanked or praised over the others? To whom should I pray in lieu of the preceding events?
From my reflection on “A Teaching on the Paschal Mystery”, I wrote that “God created the world and saw how quickly man would turn away from all God wanted to share with us.” “The entire collection of Sacred Scripture, beginning in Genesis to the call of Abraham, and through the prophets to the ministry of John the Baptist, we can see the History of Salvation written for centuries relating to God’s Plan to share His Life and Love with us.” The point is God’s Essence is found throughout the Bible with each Divine Person in one way or another having a direct influence on every aspect of our connection to the Trinity. At no time is one Divine Person neglected in the plan for God to forgive us, redeem us, and sanctify each one of us.
The Father acknowledges Jesus as His Son; “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Lk. 3: 22) “This is my chosen Son; Listen to Him.” Lk. 9: 36).
Adherence to God the Father, from Jesus, is found throughout His Ministry. “Father, the hour has come. Give glory to your son, so that your son may glorify You”. Jn. 17: 1). Righteous Father, the world also does not know you, but I know you, and they know that you sent me. I made known to them your name and I will make it known, that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in them”. (Jn. 17: 25-26). “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do”. (Lk. 23: 34).
“And behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” (Lk. 24: 49).
“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim.” (Acts 2: 1-4).
One God; eternal, divine, omnipotent, forever, loving and forgiving am I says the Lord God. Trinity in Essence, three Divine Persons, yet one God. To whom should I pray? The prayers are heard by God, and answered in His time and for you and me He answers to what is best for each of us. We can’t split God into separate beings; He is One! Choose the Person you wish to praise and thank and be sure these attributes are heard by the same God.