God, Give Us Patience
Weakness. Imperfection. Brokenness. We all have some of it. Some of us try to hide it. Others get overwhelmed and discouraged by it. Then there are those who refuse to see it.
But it’s there. Like it or not.
Two priests in the last few months have told me that God meets us in our imperfections and weaknesses. I didn’t quite understand how God did this until I reflected on the many gospel passages when Jesus encounters the imperfect: the sinful, the ill, the poor, the blind, and His own disciples who doubted and denied Him.
Over and over again, what did those encounters look like? Jesus made himself present to the imperfect, and in those moments he gives mercy, healing, and love. He uses them as opportunities to teach, demonstrate His power, and help someone grow.
I think those are a few lessons for us. In our weakness and imperfection …
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a beautiful example of the Lord meeting us in our imperfections. Each time I go, I encounter God’s grace. God is present right there in the confessional, pouring out his mercy and love, healing us, and often teaching us, through the insights of the priest, how to improve our lives, overcome the roots of our sins, and become more whole.
If we were perfect, would we have any need for God’s grace and loving direction? Perhaps He gives us our weakness as a means of drawing us closer, relying on His strength, seeking His refuge, and understanding His character as a loving, merciful God.
Maybe weakness has its place in our lives – because it’s the place at which God longs to meet us.