Where does Jesus Christ enter the lives of families?
In the past, as I penned different tenets of doctrinal thoughts pertaining to spiritual and theological aspects within the Church, the idea of exploring anything pertaining to Satan and the evil he conjures into our senses always had me stop short. I did not want to give credence to this blight on our Christian Faith. But now, I feel it is imperative to come away from the closet of fear and bring into the open to all readers that silence is the very tool Satan attempts to invoke on our sense of exposing the truth about whom he is.
We know that anytime the thought of remaining mute on specific matters where our voices should ring out loud and clear regarding the Holy Spirit’s urging us to speak up is another way Satan attacks our sense of nobility as followers of Jesus Christ and become patriots of the Grace God gives to us, so freely.
Look back on my article “Rejecting God when we Sin” published here June 9, 2017, and read the first paragraph; “Go ahead, you’ve sinned, not once but numerous times, since you were forgiven previously, and the thought enters your mind saying; “O now you think you can sit down and pray while the residue of your sin still remains uppermost in the corners of your conscience and you think God will overlook the incident”?”
Just one of many facets pointing to guilt, remorse, trepidation before Almighty God’s never-ending Mercy, and fear that we should run and hide never daring to lift our eyes to God and know He always forgives us. The first problem of forgetting God’s Love comes upon us like a crescendo blocking out any sound from the Heart of Christ and clouds our sense of Forgiveness that is always near us.
Another tactic of Satan’s insidious tenets is to keep us running as we fail and make us think that finally we will reach the depths of Hell where God cannot reach us. Wrong! Even if it were possible for a repentant sinner to reach the border of Hell, we could turn and see He never left our side. God will follow us to the farthest reaches of the Universe to only catch our failing fears and as the Good Shepherd places one lost soul upon His shoulders He will carry us back from where only one set of footprints existed on the sands of life. Satan cannot win the battle of those who reach to God’s Love and never, never loses heart.
There are some who portray that Satan or the Devil is a myth or at worst a symbol of wrongdoing and a reminder that we must always veer away from sin and keep our eyes affixed on God. A second article by me “The Attraction to Deadly Sin” published here April 6, 2017, mentions in the sixth paragraph; “There may be some that believe the Devil or Satan is just a fallacy and pre-historic to modern-day society and should be seen as old, chaotic, and out of touch with new-age philosophy. How wrong this thinking is and even more how out of touch this type of thinking can become to those misinformed persons. To believe that this persona of evil doesn’t exist is to open themselves to a very dangerous and deadly type of existence in this modern-day world, where their soul is in danger of being snatched away by the very evil that does exist and is ready to become lost in a mire of new-age thought that excludes God within their very lives”. This in essence, portrays that those who believe not to believe that Satan is real and how he patiently waits for each soul, chosen by God, to weaken and allow itself the opportunity to become vulnerable to Satan’s outstretched arm, so to speak, and be swallowed up in the primordial entanglement of Hell.
Perhaps the challenge is greater than one might think when it comes to reaching into modern man’s intellect with a teaching from the traditional past of the Church and ensuring that these teaching moments only strengthen the stability of what countless Saints and Doctors (heroes) of the Holy Roman Catholic Church have died for in many instances; “the fundamental tenets of the on-going sanctity of “Holy Mother Church”.