I AM so SAD!
When what seems to be the worst or the most frightening thing to happen comes your way—remember what all was done in Three Days.
Breathe deep my child; bring the Spirit of God within.
What seems to be dead—will rise again.
What seems to be barren---will produce again.
What seems to be dried and desert---will flow with milk and honey again.
What seems to be numb and empty---will overflow with the waters of joy and life again
What seems to be useless, a failed attempt---will with time and faith----be useful and completely successful as you run the race to the finished line.
Give God three days to bring miracles into your life.
On the third day—what was empty flowed with the wine changed from the water. What Jesus and Mary did that third day---They, with prayer and trust, will do for you.
On the third day, all the seas and the earth teemed with new life---The same God Who created all—knows exactly what is needed for you to be alive again.
On the third day what was a tomb where what was dead laid behind a huge stone—the Resurrecting Power of God entered in—and Jesus rose again—ALIVE—FOREVER.
The same God can bring life back into any deep tomb closed up by the hardest of rocky walls---that same LIGHT and Power will penetrate any harden heart as soon as you seek His help. Try this 3 Day Prayer of faith and trust and Give Him three days to send you the Wisdom and Guidance to lead you back to believing and hoping again.
Three days---Give God Three Days