Chain Prayer Definition
A superstitious practice that consists in the saying of certain prayers successively by many individuals who hope for the favors received, not so much from God's goodness as from the magic effect of this unbroken series of prayers. In its most common form a written or printed prayer is sent to the person who is to form one link in the chain and is asked to say this prayer and to continue the chain by persuading others to take up the praying where he or she leaves off. These in turn are to pass the prayer on to still others. The efficacy of the practice, therefore, is mainly in the chain and not in the prayer. All forms of chain prayer are superstition and correspondingly sinful. Catholic
Some Catholics don't realize that when we participate in chain prayer we involve ourselves in a superstitious practice which is forbidden by God. However, it is pleasing to God when we pray for others or ask others to pray with us. When someone asks me to pray for them or for someone they’re concerned about, I pray for the person needing prayers as soon as I can, before I forget. But when I'm asked to forward a chain prayer to a certain number of people in which I’m strongly advised not to "break the chain," I ignore it. Does anyone truly believe God's answer to prayer is contingent on whether we follow specific directions such as making sure the chain is not broken? This is not how God works in our lives.
That being said I must explain the difference between chain prayer and prayer chain. Most churches have a ministry called “prayer chain.” A prayer chain is made up of a group of parishioners who want to pray for others and agree to respond to all requests for prayers. The difference between a prayer chain and a chain prayer (we usually receive chain prayers online) is this; the prayer chain gives no promise that our petition will be answered.In prayers of petition we ask God with all our heart for help and we trust God’s will be done. Whereas with chain prayer we’re usually told that if we do not break the chain something wonderful will happen in our lives immediately! Also with a prayer chain, there’s no magic number of people that I must forward the prayer to. Here’s an example of a healthy, holy prayer chain which I randomly selected from a church bulletin online.
Prayer Chain Request
Welcome to the Saint Monica Prayer Chain. The purpose of our prayer chain is to provide spiritual support and healing for parishioners and their families and friends. When placing someone on the prayer chain, please obtain their permission when giving full names and circumstances. All prayers are kept confidential to our prayer warriors.
Your prayer request will be included in the daily prayers of our members for one month (No stipend necessary). You may continue to request prayers for prolonged illness. Feel free to send us back a "Prayers Answered" or "Thanksgiving" request upon resolution of the request, if appropriate. Parishioners and immediate family member names will be included in the bulletin for 3 weeks following your request.
Here’s a chain prayer I received via personal message.
“Hope you can do this with me...HEALING PRAYER. Try not to break it, if you cannot send it, let me know ... I know I chose my twelve people well, may we receive strength and Divine Light. Our Father who art in heaven, as you walk into my home, please take all my worries, diseases, fears and please protect my parents, brothers and sisters, my children, my friends and all my family, in the name of Jesus! Amen. If God is first in your life, stop what you're doing and send this message! So that all your friends receive this blessing today. There is no silence that God does not understand nor sadness that He does not know nor tears that He does not value. Dear God, Bless the hands of the one that opened this post, also illuminate the eyes of those who read it and fill with Love and Blessings whoever shares it. Choose who to send this to ... Angels have learned that you are fighting something, they say it has already passed, please do not eliminate this message. Please know that tonight there will be resolution of two issues in your life and they will provide relief. Tomorrow will be the best day of all. I leave you 12 angels, one for each month, you must give this to twelve friends, and great news will come. You cannot imagine the work it took to bring down these beautiful stars. Hold your finger on the prayer and a menu will come up including a forward option.
Can you see the difference? This message may seem innocent enough but did you notice the pressure not to break the chain? Also notice that good people are being guilted into passing this message on, “If God is first in your life, stop what you're doing and send this message!” Sadly, this chain prayer message leans towards magic while implying God will take away your worries and give you a good day if we follow the directions and do not break the chain. God will bless us and give us good days if we pray sincerely. It’s true that many people have desperate situations in their lives and want to trust in the possibility that the chain prayer will help them. Please be cautious. Chain prayers could be the work of the devil trying to pull us away from God. Remember the devil is smarter than any man on earth and can be very convincing. It’s better to pray to God with love and patience hoping in His mercy and compassion. It’s okay to ask others to pray for you. I believe at times God wants us to be persistent in prayer so that we feel the need to depend on Him. Dependence on God brings us closer to Him. God knows what we need better then we do ourselves.
May you be blessed by the LORD, maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 115:15
Keep praying. God is listening!