Why are People so Angry, All the Time?
Wow, the happenings in Charlottesville have saddened me. I will not lose hope or joy though, because I do not place my hope and joy in this world, but in the world to come. That is my focus and that is my aim and goal. It saddens me though that so many are so lost, and that hysteria, ignorance and the emotional personal and political agendas of independent groups are seeming to reign supreme; when in fact, these groups and political agendas are in the minority of the classes of people they represent.
The media in this country continues to fan emotional and irrational responses to stupid and very isolated occurrences, for their own ideological agendas, and they do this at the expense of us all. When we allow our emotions to rule, Satan wins, and he has been valiantly victorious in so many recent events. When we let emotions overpower us and fail to use our intellect and rationale in response to vile and wicked actions, then we ourselves become immersed in that wickedness, and in the process we loose ourselves. When that happens, values and goodness are unable to prevail. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but when we turn the other cheek, we win the moral and spiritual battle.
Turning the other cheek is not an act of passively. It is an act of standing firm, not running away, yet not relenting to the sinister responsive act of emotion and reciprocity. Our Lord was masterful at this, and so too was Martin Luther King Jr. Neither would have cowered to the hatred and sinfulness that wreaks havoc in aggressive verbal and physical responses that simply enflame and ignite the war on peace and rationality; a war waged on souls in hopes to lure them to malice and darkness and Hell. There is darkness at work here more skillful, masterful and supernatural than most will admit exists. Satan's greatest tool has been to convince many that he dones't exist.
There is a higher road to be sought and travelled. A road that doesn’t relent and passively succumb to injustice, but that stands firm in the face of it and refuses to respond in a like manner. It is a spiritual technique that is lost on the worldly though, and those who are lost to God. This path is so obscured in our current society that it will never be found. Prayer and union with God are the only weapons to combat this type of warfare that has been lodged at our country. A country that has reveled in sinfulness and Satan’s vices of adultery, gay marriage, LGBT agendas, the glorification of Islam, the relativism of sexual promiscuity and perversion, as well as the killing of innocent babies in the womb and now the promotion of euthanasia for those deemed unworthy of continued care and life. We didn’t get here overnight, and we didn’t get here with our Lord’s Grace and love. We got here in the absence of those things. We have abandoned God and his laws, just like our Jewish ancestors of the Old Testament, and the same exact repercussions of that disobedience are now being ravaged on our country.
We really have no need to fear North Korea or Russia, our greatest enemy is ourselves. We have chosen to go our own way, on our own, and we can see the utter destruction that has resulted. We need to turn back to God, in obedience and humility. That is our only hope. Nation after nation who have denied God’s laws and direction for the happiness and hopefulness of human creation has fallen, will we be next? A nation turned against itself cannot stand, a nation turned against God cannot exist..
Our founding fathers knew this. With all their human faults and weakness they turned to God when they built this nation, and that is what our country is founded on, God’s laws, the laws that have been removed one by one, from schools, government buildings and our communities. We have wrought this on ourselves, and God is the only one that can right the wrongs, and save the sinful.
God Bless America, and bring the peace that so many of us long for. My eyes will remain on Heaven, for that is where my citizenship is. God promised me a kingdom, not a country. The faithful will prevail, and the faithless won’t, we just won’t see it here and now, America is not the reward, but Heaven is and the reward is sought in eternity.