We find our way only through the Light of Christ
There is a danger of lifting our ego so high that we forget God’s presence within our lives and remember that it is He who gives us the gifts to spread the Good News, evangelize those who are in need, and show we believe totally in His calling us to ministry.
We are reminded where Paul said; “Therefore, that I may not become too elated, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, an angel of Satan, to beat me, to keep me from becoming too elated. Three times I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me, but he said; “My Grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Cor. 12” 7a - 9a). How easy it can be to tell ourselves, silently or emotionally, “I am doing the Lord’s work, and O how good He must know that the gifts I possess are special, and my path is paved in gold.” Really? I remember a priest once saying the most difficult enemy for priests is pride. Anyone, including myself, can easily look at the results from the articles we write, see the number of views received, share them with others and then sit back relegating our success. Why do we write if not to do the Lord’s bidding and attempt to arouse even one person who may be the only one who may read an article, that perhaps changes their opinion, learns something that would not occur elsewhere, or more importantly, motivate them to seek God and/or the Church from a new perspective. When we realize this is the very premise of the gift we have been given, to reach out with a modern pulpit that can be heard over and over, is the Holy Spirit’s way of spreading the Good News with the pen as a viable tool for many who may never enter a church.
I must add here that I am grateful to Catholic365.com for being the vehicle that allows us to reach out in a ministry that has no limits, and can become the seed planter that God is using to find and cultivate minds that are hungry for God’s Word. I also want to congratulate all the writers who tirelessly are inspired and share the very intellect they were given. May God continue to bless your efforts and thoughts.