Talking the Talk is Simple, Walking the Walk-Not So Much
Does anyone find it curious that in a day and age of gender neutrality or “genderlessness”, gender reveal parties seem to be all the rage? It seems that the revelation of gender for a yet to be born baby generates much excitement and happiness, and typically that excitement and happiness is elicited regardless of the sex that is revealed.
It seems like a paradox to celebrate gender when as a society we are denying its’ importance and even necessity even in the light of hard scientific facts that we have known and adhered to for millennia. Is it possible that Satan has moved us beyond what is reasonable and scientific now into a realm that escalates relativism and pluralism to a whole new idiotic level? It seems so.
Yet we will celebrate the gender reveal. It is big business and all the rage, a fad that seems to contradict the very philosophy of the peoples who celebrate it. Could it be that deep down, in the very depths of our souls we know better? The law written on our hearts is constant, it does not change. Truth does not change and it never will. No matter how hard we try to manipulate God’s creation and science, it will not change. Many of our perceptions about Truth will change though, and that skewed view of life will lead to darkness and death. Living a lie never overshadows the joy and light that living in Truth enables.
The Church has always lived and existed within Truth, not doing so would confine Her ability to live within God’s will and plan for humanity. We may leave, pursuing a more pluralistic world view that most other protestant denominations offer, but that does not negate Truth. Running away does not make Truth cease to exist. Ask Jonah. It just eliminates it from individual souls and hearts. In an effort to find a happiness on our own terms we reject God’s terms and reject the joy he wills for each of us.
So, let’s celebrate gender, but not as a commodity. Let’s celebrate it as a gift given to each of us as a physical reality and nature to be lived with for all of eternity. We are each unique beings with our own talents and skills, yet those talents and skills do not define us any more than our God given gender does. The full package is what makes us God’s unique masterpiece. Each of us is a masterpiece that God created and is madly in love with. That is what we should celebrate and dedicate to that glorious Creator of all, and in fact that is what we do, every time we gather to celebrate Mass. The miracle of life, made possible because of our genders, and then used as we come together in the divine union of marriage between two opposite genders to populate the Eternal. It doesn’t get much more awesome than that. Yet we try to reduce and conceal that awesomeness by defying Truth. It is getting more out of control every day, as Satan spins Truth to his own destructive agenda.
So let’s celebrate with gender reveal parties, because gender reveals much more than what we come to celebrate at these events, and even though that gets lost on many, it is a start.