The Poor
Although this reflection may appear as illusory it has within it the very tenets of what may be reality if one believes in the Catholic Church’s teaching on Purgatory; the Church Penitent with souls waiting on the prayers of the Church Militant along with the Church Triumphant, then it is not illusive to think that an existence of real ministry cries out for intense prayer so we all can realize the beatific vision with God.
I recently wrote two articles; “Souls are waiting” and “Communion of Saints” especially after viewing a documentary on EWTN titled “Purgatory the Forgotten Church”. This hour and a half program awakened something within me that has become an obsession and has not waned at all. The teaching on Purgatory never was something that I thought belonged on a shelf of Church teaching without some substance of authenticity about its existence. Until now, I went along with spreading the belief, but didn’t pursue the depth of its impact on each soul waiting in a holding pattern, if you will, until a significant amount of searching became an obsession with me.
The internet is a wonderful place to search and absorb as much information that anyone interested on any subject is able to glean volumes of knowledge from those who have either gone before us, or many who are currently writing and teaching within the realm of objective interest. My investigation has led me to different views and life experiences of many saints, mystics, and others who have seen and/or talked with souls who are now in Purgatory. Already I have received scrutiny from some who think I have gone over the edge and am hallucinating or living on a make-believe theory that this for certain is illusory. That would be something to consider if I had not experienced some similarities with the unseen. However, I want to include some events that simply promote the existence of souls reaching out for my prayers.
1. Some time ago, my wife and I were getting out of our car at the church parking lot and as I was coming to the passenger side to let her out, my eyes caught the sight of a gentleman located a couple of vehicles away, looking in my direction, and we nodded at each other with a smile. I opened her door and turning around, I could not see him. If he had passed us, I would have seen him, since the time elapsed was no more than 5 seconds. Where we were parked there were large hedges, and he could not have walked through them. If he had gone to the other direction away from us, I would have seen him. My mind told me it might have been my guardian angel. I realized whomever he was wasn’t real as another human being living in our dimension. Some months later I woke up and saw him standing beside our bed and was not frightened and went back to sleep. I know that encounter was real. However, now that I am obsessed with the souls in Purgatory and how many have reached out to different people for prayer, I believe he was one of the souls attempting to get my attention.
2. Several nights ago (from this writing - Sept. 7, 2017) I was saying some rosaries and finally went to bed. Something awakened me and as I got out of bed the shade on a table lamp near me was rocking slightly, as if a strong wind caused it to react that way. However, it kept rocking in a slow fashion and didn’t appear as if it was going to stop. That incident got my attention. I got up and said three rosaries. Going back to bed the lamp shade of course was still.
3. Many years ago in the 1960’s I was a night adorer for the Sacred Heart Devotions. One night as I was praying, a blood-curdling scream startled me. It was around 3 AM the time I always started my devotion. Getting up and going to the window proved that the streets were empty, quiet, and serene. Returning to my little prayer corner three things were revealed to my mind; (1) 3 am is the time when most evil occurs, (2) the scream came from the depth of hell, (3) pray for the souls in Purgatory. All three have always stayed with me, especially the scream from hell. However, praying for souls in Purgatory was the one factor then and especially now plagues my constant thinking and has my greatest attention.
4. Today, as I was reading the obituaries (which at my age is a common event LOL) I noticed the name of an old girl-friend from the teenage years had died. It wasn’t as if I was deeply saddened as much as her passing made me aware of how our past relationships do end. But, for some reason her death kept gnawing at my conscience as if she was trying to contact me. I suppose since my present thinking is concerned with Purgatory it could be just that and perhaps her soul reaching out is not correct. However, I do believe that souls in Purgatory will reach out for prayer if they realize there are living persons who are adept at praying for their souls.
A thought (not a vision) came to me of walking with a few spiritual persons, one being this woman, and perhaps the Lord and Blessed Mother holding my hand into certain levels of Purgatory and I saw myriads of souls some who knew me reaching out for my prayers. All I can accurately say is there are souls seeking our prayers and we can never say enough of them.
When I began praying the rosary something spoke to my heart that one was not enough. Three should be the minimum for the poor souls in Purgatory. I don’t know who or where that came from but I always pray a minimum of three rosaries for poor souls. That fits my dedication and hope that these satisfy some of the time relegated to as many souls as God desires.