Dr. Peter Kreeft only writes a book if the book he wants to read has not been written. I am writing this post in a similar vein. For some time now, I have been looking for a solid guide on focusing during prayer for those with ADHD. Having found none, I have decided to write one. What follows is not an exhaustive guide to praying with ADHD, but it is a start. These are some suggestions that have sometimes helped me focus while praying:
Listen to your doctor's advice. If you are on medication, take your medication. Sleep, a healthy diet, and exercise are also recommended to help reduce the symptoms of ADHD.
Ask your guardian angel for help. Your guardian angel is there for your benefit. Take advantage of his aid. Ask him to help you focus your thoughts on prayer.
Write out a list of things that are on your mind before you start praying. Take this list, offer it up to the Lord, and then set it aside. Sometimes this works, but sometimes it causes me to become even more distracted.
Pray with images. Find a picture of Mary, a crucifix, or another holy image, and if you find yourself becoming distracted, look at that image to bring yourself back into prayer.
Pray with Scripture. Reading a passage from the Bible, especially the Psalms, gives you something to meditate upon during prayer. Look into Lectio Divina, a method of praying with Scripture taught by St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Use a prayer journal. Buy a notebook at a store, or find an old one from school and rip out those notes you never look at anymore. Writing in a prayer journal helps me organize my thoughts into a coherent narrative. Furthermore, I have found using my prayer journal to write letters to the Lord (especially during times of stress) to be an effective and powerful method of prayer.
The most important thing a person with ADHD can do for their prayer life is to persevere. Nothing I mentioned above is a surefire method for overcoming ADHD while praying, but it is important to never give up. The Lord knows that you did not choose ADHD, so he understands your struggle to focus. God still loves you no matter what.