Whenever the pain of loss confronts us our peace comes through the Heart of Christ
As a follow-up to my latest article “A Church in Peril” I read two news articles this morning (Saturday, Sept. 16, 2017) that connect directly to the problems which focus on discontent or worse subjection to traditional Christian values that do not appear to have relevance with too many people, many of whom are supposed to be true believers in the dictates of Jesus Christ. Where are we headed in this 21st century since the Death/Resurrection of God’s only Son; Jesus Christ?
One was a reply to Holly Lott, the writer of the essence of my article “A Church in Peril” from another PCUSA member, Rev. Janet Edwards, who felt badly about Holly leaving her own church over these issues that include relegating Jesus to the same status as Mohammed; simply a prophet. It denied the true divinity of Christ in that vein. One of many principles that pushes God away from the truth.
A second article dealt with politics vs. religion to the point of denouncing a future jurist, Amy Coney Barrett, for the US Court of Appeals for the 7th circuit. Amy is a graduate of the Notre Dame Law School and has the full support of the same faculty. The problem here is as in so many other institutions, the civil law vs. the Church. The term separation of Church and State is so often misunderstood. JFK had a lot of antagonists against his nomination because he was Catholic. “The pope will be running our country the cry went out.” All this in the premise of being politically correct.
An unbelievable travesty is unfolding before our eyes as the battle of true faith in God, the Holy Trinity, our Salvation through the Paschal Mystery, and the very reason God ordained a path to the eventual beatific vision is in conflict with New-age principles that does everything to change the landscape of the world as Paul described in: “For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens.” (Eph. 6: 12) With careful reading and understanding one should be able to see the writing on the subway walls that the church teachings we have come to adhere and live with are under direct attack in such a subtle manner that it is hard to distinguish between right and wrong.
The point here is we as citizens, Christians, and believers in a God who has entrusted the care of this planet, and the entire world confines to humanity must see that the battle lines are drawn and the armor plate of faith with the weapons of truth must prevail. If we are not careful the very essence of God’s Truth will become a most severe Armageddon within the lifetime of many reading this article.
Allow me to digress for a moment as I finished reading the morning Office about St. Cyprian where the governor Galerius Maximus said to Cyprian; “Mocking him the governor said; “Our most venerable emperors have commanded you to perform the religious rites.” Cyprian replied he would not. On the cross, at the crucifixion of Jesus - “Mocking Him they said He saved others; he cannot save himself. Come down off the cross and we will believe in Him.” He did not. (Mt. 27: 43).
It won’t be in signs of visible examples that appear to be miraculous that people will believe or change their views of New-age policies, but the strong voice from we who write, who read, and who perform realistically in spreading the truth as God ordained us to do.