What is Happening with The World: My Own 2021 Perspective
There is a movement under-foot, in the world today, and especially in the USA, which places a challenge to us that are traditional Christians. Is it Bad? Is it Good? Is its influence continuing our belief in the basic story of Salvation History, which led God’s Son to redeem humanity from its trek towards eternal damnation by His Walk to Calvary, and through suffering eliminated that eternal road of no return.
What do you believe, or more poignantly choose to follow since the new tenets of calling on God means “it’s your game and the ball now lies in the practice of changing 5,000 years of Judeo-Christian beliefs of a Loving God who planned to secure for humanity a way to live with him forever; through suffering with our crosses, seeking out the poor among us, and depending on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide our actions in a very personal manner?”
The birth of Jesus did not occur in a jewel-like clustered mansion, nor did He come to the elite of society or those who can secure favors by their influence with money and prestige. He came to the poor, sinners, and non-believers, instilling forgiveness, compassion, and a path to salvation through simple yet powerful examples of love.
Truth be known, there are signs, found throughout Sacred Scripture, that warn us of impending actions, that in the last days; “For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, follow their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths.” (2 Tim: 4 : 3-4) Isn’t this new movement part of the statement from St. Paul that indicates the time has arrived, began some years back, that is trying to change the premise of real biblical teaching, which came from God through His Holy Spirit, to a new-age philosophy that changes the very message that Jesus Christ presented to us who will believe and follow the path He gave us?
Instilling the future of Judeo-Christian ideals and faith in a world-involved “God of our Fathers” to the new leaders of the world, our youth; is a very promising thought that will become reality, but if their view of the involvement of God with us is a, “self-proclaimed ministry” and we can choreograph what God’s teaching is all about, then we are on a slippery slope that can lead nowhere except to perdition.
If all these prophecies come to fruition will they (the new INC Christians) rewrite the role of Jesus or even worse begin a new type of religion (without denomination) that makes anyone of them a new Jesus or Savior for mankind? I pray not!
Certainly some of the pronouncements of these ministries are in sync with traditional practices, i.e. healing, speaking in tongues, and other Charismatic practices, and there is no question as to the benefits found through them. However, there is 2,000 years of Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church that does more than seek practices only with the Charisms of the Holy Spirit. There is in fact, many martyrs, holy saints, and the Way of the Cross that have painted a path to salvation without non-partisan politics and power in higher places that promise anything but the presence of Almighty God, first and foremost within a believer’s journey to salvation.
Too often, many souls aspiring to find God within their finite existence discover, after many trials and failures, that it is God alone we were created to follow and need Him alone. As Augustine said; “Our heart is restless until it rests in You!” Try as we might, all these NEW ways of accomplishing something, most of what we are not even certain about, end in confusion, loss of spiritual direction, and maybe the loss of our souls. Be careful what we seek without counting the cost. “Seek Ye the first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. Allele, Alleluia.