Cana, A Feast ofLove
Like most young adults, I thought I could take on the world. Bullying, segregation, injustice, sexism, could be overcome by loving thoughtful words, actions that were not violent, but demonstrative. By joining together with other like-minded individuals, together, the world could become peaceful and lives would be changed. Note the problem and problem solvers were individuals, people, humans.
Being blessed with a strong, religious mother, and a twin, who was always supportive or led the group, the life of God was deeply embedded; a daily part of our life. God had truly blessed the twins.
Now much older, attempting to walk the path He ordained for my life, I find myself tested, not by people, but by the natural world, which He also created and ordained for a certain path. The natural world of hurricanes, storm surges, has literally forced me to my knees, digging my feet into the earth, while attempting to remain standing; my lips pinched tightly to prevent terrible words from escaping from my vocal cords; my entire body stressed to unbelievable levels.
Those of you, who this year have also experienced the perils of firestorms, tornadoes, mudslides, deluges, share with me the oppressive burden of the forces of nature. Perhaps, you too have cried,
”Why, God? Show me the secret of endurance.”
“Let me be your apostle on the boat in the storm, when you quieted the sea. Let me be the man whose devil left him and went into the sheep, commanded by your voice. Let me be the short man climbing the tree to hear your voice. Let me hear your loving voice so I can answer, ‘Here I am Lord, I come to do your will.”
And He did answer when I opened my bible.
“Herein you rejoice, (because of our personal safety), even if it is at present necessary that for a brief time you should be grieved by all kinds of trials, for the OBJECT OF THOSE TRIALS is that your tried and tested faith, more precious than gold, (or other material possessions), which perishes though it is tested by the fire (or sea water), may win praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ shall appear.” (1Peter1:6, 7)
Storms of life may be agonizing, threatening our equilibrium. All men know a man can endure anything as long as he has something to look forward to- ask any POW. Christians can endure because we have something to look forward to at the end: our life with God, the ultimate joy. This is a realistic expectation; a terrific motivation, when it feels like a disaster.
Only faith can become stronger, like gold, if it is tested; then faith becomes pure, true, strong. Therefore, persevere; giving thanks for the faith and family we have been gifted in our life. That is our evening prayer every night, in storms and in peace. Our reward will be Christ waiting for us at end of our journey with the words,” Well done, my faithful servants.”